Master's theses in Mathematics Education
Nye registreringer
Oppfatninger om matematikk og matematikklæring blant elever og foreldre
(Master thesis, 2021)Masteroppgaven handler om elevers og foreldres oppfatning om matematikk. Den tar først for seg elevenes oppfatninger om matematikk, så foreldrenes oppfatning og til slutt ser på om det er paralleller mellom disse. ... -
Relations between reading comprehension and mathematical word problems of varying complexities : A cross-sectional study of the Norwegian national tests aiming to identify relations between reading comprehension and word problems, and if task properties affect student sub-groups differently
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis aims to investigate the relationships between reading comprehension and mathematical word problems of varying complexity. There exist numerous studies on this relationship(Abedi & Lord, 2001; Bergqvist et al., ... -
Programmering i matematikk : Hvordan kan programmering bli en integrert del av matematikkundervisningen på ungdomstrinnet?
(Master thesis, 2021)The theme for this master thesis is programming in mathematics education. Due to an increasing digitalization of our society, there has grown forth a need to include more programming and digital technology in our schools. ... -
Ungdomsskoleelevers oppfatninger av omvendt undervisning i matematikk
(Master thesis, 2021)Technology is constantly evolving in society. Teachers must, in step with society’s technological development, be able to use new digital resources in order to give students the best possible learning outcome. The purpose ... -
EVU-studenters oppfattelse av nytte ved analyse av egne elevers resonnement og argumentasjon – En kvalitativ casestudie
(Master thesis, 2021)This qualitative case study investigated what in-service teachers viewed as useful in evaluating their own students' reasoning and argumentation. This was done in response to the following research question: How do in-service ... -
En studie av virkelighetsnær oppgave i matematikk : Ungdomsskoleelevers respons på undervisningsaktivitet som er tenkt å bli opplevd virkelighetsnært
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this study is to look at how students in junior high school experience working with realistic tasks in mathematics with personal finance as a topic. To gain an insight into this, I have formulated a research ... -
Geogebra for læring? : Elevers bruk av geogebra for utforskning - En sammenliknende case-studie av elevarbeid med og uten GeoGebra
(Master thesis, 2021)In the new curriculum, LK20, digital skills are defined as a basic skill. It is important for teachers to be able to make reasoned assessments of how digital aids affect students' work in order to use them as a mediating ... -
Lekbasert læring i matematikk på 2. trinn : En studie av elevers deltakelse i lekaktiviteter og deres læring av matematikk gjennom dette
(Master thesis, 2021)This study is about playful teaching in mathematics in the second grade. The aim of the study is to judge whether a total of eight activities can be seen as playful, and if they contain aspects of mathematics. Another aim ... -
Utvikling av growth mindset rundt elevers feiltakelser i matematikk : En kvalitativ studie om å tørre å lære av egne feiltakelser fra tre matematikklasserom på mellomtrinnet
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this study is to learn more about how a teacher can foster a growth mindset in a classroom. I aim to seek insight into how the teachers I observed and interviewed work to encourage this mindset in their ... -
En casestudie av hvordan spenninger i og mellom praksisskole og universitet har innvirkninger på en matematikklærerstudents utvikling av matematikklæreridentitet
(Master thesis, 2021)At the center of this study is a teacher student who is about to participate in six-week internship at an upper secondary school. The process of becoming a mathematics teacher involves an identity development that takes ... -
Undervisningsvideo i matematikk : En casestudie av en lærer og en gruppe elevers syn på god undervisningsvideo i matematikk
(Master thesis, 2021)The aim of this thesis is to examine what a teacher and a group of students in middle school look for in a good educational video. The research questions are: 1. “What does a group of students at middle school look for in ... -
Lærerstudenters kunnskapsnivå i personlig økonomi : En undersøkelse av lærerstudenters kunnskapsnivå, hvordan de vurderer deres kunnskapsnivå og hvilke kunnskapskanaler som er sentrale for deres kunnskaper i personlig økonomi
(Master thesis, 2021)The purpose of this thesis is to gain insight into the mathematics teacher students' level of knowledge in personal finance. Their self-assessment of knowledge level is also examined. In addition, which source of knowledge ... -
Design og bruk av modelleringsoppgaver i klasserommet : En forskningsstudie om hvordan en designer modelleringsoppgaver
(Master thesis, 2021)Modeling is a mathematical skill that connects mathematics to the real world. Mathematical modeling has been a part of the new curriculum, LK20. Modeling will therefore get an extra attention in the teaching the mathematical ... -
Lekbasert læring og undervisning av matematikk på 2. og 3.trinn
(Master thesis, 2021)This study is a qualitative case study which examines 1) two teachers’ perceptions of play, the role of play, and play-based mathematics teaching, and 2) how they facilitate play-based learning of mathematics in ... -
“Sånn nettundervisning er veldig mye kjedeligere” : Læreres tilnærming til undervisning som fremmer relasjonell forståelse i matematikk og elevers motivasjon i matematikkfaget under koronanedstengningen våren 2020
(Master thesis, 2021)The national lockdown of schools, as a consequence of the corona pandemic, the12th of March 2020 was the starting point for 10 weeks of fully-online lectures and home schooling. With this starting point we have investigated ... -
Samarbeidslære i matematikkfaget : En kasusstudie av fire elever fra 10. klasse sine meninger om samarbeidslære i matematikkfaget
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis is about cooperative learning, and more specifically about a structural approach to cooperative learning. The study is described as a case study and is based on observations from three sessions where cooperative ... -
Per Ardua Ad Astra : Personer og omstendigheter på Sofya Kovalevskayas vei til berømmelse
(Master thesis, 2020)Dette er rapporten fra et historisk-biografisk prosjekt om Sofya Kovalevskaya, der noen russiske og polske arkivkilder om henne som er lite kjent fra før, er hentet frem, oversatt og drøftet. Disse nye kildene kaster nytt ... -
Elevers kompetanse i brøk : med og uten konkretiseringsmateriell
(Master thesis, 2020)Although the topic of fractions is central to the field of mathematics, it can be challenging for students (National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008;Neagoy 2017; Wu, 2001). What is the impact of providing appurtenant ...