Lærerstudenters kunnskapsnivå i personlig økonomi : En undersøkelse av lærerstudenters kunnskapsnivå, hvordan de vurderer deres kunnskapsnivå og hvilke kunnskapskanaler som er sentrale for deres kunnskaper i personlig økonomi
Original version
Mykland, F.M.T. (2021) Lærerstudenters kunnskapsnivå i personlig økonomi : En undersøkelse av lærerstudenters kunnskapsnivå, hvordan de vurderer deres kunnskapsnivå og hvilke kunnskapskanaler som er sentrale for deres kunnskaper i personlig økonomi (Master's thesis). University of Agder, Kristiansand.Abstract
The purpose of this thesis is to gain insight into the mathematics teacher students' level of knowledge in personal finance. Their self-assessment of knowledge level is also examined. In addition, which source of knowledge they believe they have gained the most knowledge from, will be investigated. Their knowledge will be examined in the light of a social constructivist view of learning throughout the study, Their level of knowledge is examined with regard to several chosen concepts that fall under personal finance. The selection of concepts is based on Fagfornyelsen (LK20). Quantitative data have been collected using questionnaires. The respondents in the survey consisted of 29 teacher students at the University of Agder. A finding that is particularly worth emphasizing is the variation in the level of knowledge of the teacher students in personal finance. The variation exists both in general and specifically within the various concepts. The teacher students believe that they have gained most of their knowledge about the topic on their own and from parents. Another main finding is a distinction between the students' self-perceived level of knowledge and the actual level of knowledge that has been measured
Master's thesis in Mathematics education (MA502)