Elevers kompetanse i brøk : med og uten konkretiseringsmateriell
Original version
Haugen, A. & Morset, O. (2020) Elevers kompetanse i brøk : med og uten konkretiseringsmateriell (Master's thesis). University of Agder, Kristiansand.Abstract
Although the topic of fractions is central to the field of mathematics, it can be challenging for students (National Mathematics Advisory Panel, 2008;Neagoy 2017; Wu, 2001). What is the impact of providing appurtenant manipulatives with fraction math exercises on the ability of Norwegian 8th grade students to understand and solve such exercises? This thesis makes clear the significance of manipulativesin bringing forth the mathematical proficiency of Norwegian 8th grade students working in groups.In this multiple-case study, a qualitative research methodology was used to conduct a total of eight task-based interviews on four groups consisting of 2–3 students. Each group undertook interviews with and without manipulatives.The resulting dataset was analyzed using the five strandsof mathematical proficiency described in Kilpatrick, Swafford andFindell (2001). To shed light on the difference between theinterview results with and without provided manipulatives, this involved evaluating the degree of mathematical ability shown by thestudents based on an analysis of the discussions among students in each group, as well as their collective reasoning and answers.No significant effect of providing manipulatives with the exercises was found. The students fraction mathematics ability was,in fact, shown to be most evident without manipulatives. The authors suggest that teachers should familiarize themselves with the possibilities of manipulatives in visualizing fraction mathematics to lower secondary school children, but at the same timebe aware that providing such material is not guaranteed to lift the student’s ability on its own.
Master's thesis in Mathematics education (MA502)