“Sånn nettundervisning er veldig mye kjedeligere” : Læreres tilnærming til undervisning som fremmer relasjonell forståelse i matematikk og elevers motivasjon i matematikkfaget under koronanedstengningen våren 2020
Original version
Tjelta, T.V. & Tjøtta, J.H. (2021) “Sånn nettundervisning er veldig mye kjedeligere” : Læreres tilnærming til undervisning som fremmer relasjonell forståelse i matematikk og elevers motivasjon i matematikkfaget under koronanedstengningen våren 2020 (Master's thesis). University of Agder, Kristiansand.Abstract
The national lockdown of schools, as a consequence of the corona pandemic, the12th of March 2020 was the starting point for 10 weeks of fully-online lectures and home schooling. With this starting point we have investigated how the COVID-19 lockdown affected teachers’ approach to education promoting relational understanding in mathematics, and pupils’ motivation for mathematics. Our two research questions were: 1. How did teachers’ approach to education promoting relational understand in mathematics change due to restrictions caused by the COVID-19 lockdown? 2. How did fully-online teaching during the COVID-19 lockdown affect pupils’ motivation for mathematics? Our theoretical framework builds on Skemp’s definition of relational and instrumental understanding, and Deci and Ryan’s self-determination theory. We make use of earlier research related to fully-online teaching by Engelbrecht and Harding, and Trenholm and Peschke among others.
Master's thesis in Mathematics education (MA502)