En casestudie av hvordan spenninger i og mellom praksisskole og universitet har innvirkninger på en matematikklærerstudents utvikling av matematikklæreridentitet
Original version
Kleveland, I. (2021) En casestudie av hvordan spenninger i og mellom praksisskole og universitet har innvirkninger på en matematikklærerstudents utvikling av matematikklæreridentitet (Master's thesis). University of Agder, Kristiansand.Abstract
At the center of this study is a teacher student who is about to participate in six-week internship at an upper secondary school. The process of becoming a mathematics teacher involves an identity development that takes place in collaboration between the university and practice schools. In this study, I will identify tensions that a mathematics teacher student encounters in teacher practice and look at how his reflections on his experiences during this period indicate the development of mathematics teacher identity. This is a case study, I have conducted three semi-structured interviews and observed two teaching sessions. The first interview was with the student just before the start of the internship. Then I interviewed his practice teacher during the student's first week at school. Furthermore, I observed two teaching sessions that became the starting point for our conversation during the last interview with the student conducted at the end of his internship. Qualitative methods in this study provide an opportunity to provide understanding and be able to identify traces of the student's professional identity, and how this may be affected by the student's participation in the university and in the practice school.
Master's thesis in Mathematics education (MA502)