• Advanced Human Pose Estimation and Event Classification using Context-Aware Features and XGBoost Classifier 

    Wahid, Wasim; Alarfaj, Aisha Ahmed; Alabdulqader, Ebtisam Abdullah; Sadiq, Touseef; Rahman, Hameedur; Jalal, Ahmad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This paper presents an advanced approach to Human Pose Estimation (HPE) and Semantic Event Classification (SEC), emphasizing the need for sophisticated human skeleton models, context-aware feature extraction, and machine ...
  • Enhancing Teamgym Performance with Power Training 

    Lindberg, Kolbjørn Andreas; Sødal, Hanne; Sjåvik, Marie Salterød; Bjørnsen, Thomas; Vårvik, Fredrik Tonstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Previous studies have highlighted a strong relationship between mechanical lower limb muscle function and TeamGym performance, specifically in terms of difficulty scores in trampette and tumbling disciplines. To date, no ...
  • No detection of tick-borne encephalitis virus RNA in blood, urine or saliva of hospitalised immunocompetent tick-borne encephalitis patients 

    Quarsten, Hanne; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine; Paulsen, Katrine Mørk; Diekmann, Maria Juul; Eikeland, Randi; Helleren, Rita; Bergström, Tomas; Noraas, Sølvi; Lorentzen, Åslaug Rudjord (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is usually diagnosed based on the presence of TBE virus (TBEV)-specific IgM and IgG antibodies in serum. However, antibodies induced by vaccination or cross-reactivity to previous flavivirus ...
  • Fotballens makt og avmakt 

    Kvikstad, Kristoffer Sætre (Master thesis, 2024)
    Pengeflyten i fotballen har de siste 20-årene eksplodert, blant annet på grunn av massive sponsor- og tv-avtaler og eiere med stor formue som er villige til å investere stort. Fra starten av 2000-tallet har antall utenlandske ...
  • Decisional needs and interventions for young women considering contraceptive options: an umbrella review 

    Müller De Bortoli, Marit; Kantymir, Sienna; Pacheco-Brousseau, Lissa; Dahl, Bente; Hansen, Elisabeth Holm; Lewis, Krystina B.; Zhang, Qian; Cole, Victoria; Westergren, Per Christer Thomas; Stacey, Dawn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Background: Although women face a wide range of contraceptive options, globally, young women are at risk of unintended pregnancies. Our umbrella review aimed to determine the decisional needs of nulligravida women aged 11 ...

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