Faculty of Fine Arts
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Fornemmelser for materialitet– Fragmentfortellinger fra forskning om materie, materialer, materialitet og skapende prosesser
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2025)I denne artikkelen utforsker vi materialitet som felles omdreiningspunkt for vår forskning. Gjennom en postkvalitativ tilnærming med fragmentfortellinger fra egne forskerliv søker vi i artikkelen å «sy sammen et lappeteppe» ... -
Material-relational following of an artist-curator relationship in movement. A Reflection of my Relationship with the Artist Regitze Karlsen
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, I explore insights gained in the investigation of a personal artist-curator relationship using Katve-Kaisa Kontturi’s methodology of material-relational following. In my role as a curator, I track my ... -
Elevperspektiver i kulturskolen
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 515, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The dissertation is a contribution to research on the Norwegian Municipal Schools of Music and Performing Arts (hereafter named: kulturskole) with a focus on the pupils' stories and narratives about their doings with the ... -
Addressing Urgencies of Democratic Interaction in the Public Sphere: An Attempt to Facilitate Disagreement on Audience Dramaturgies of Disagreement
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In the research project ‘Dramaturgies of Disagreement in Contemporary Theatre,’ I have examined how theatre performances dramaturgically work with substantial disagreement within audiences and non-audiences. In the first ... -
Å feile er menneskelig: En kunstteoretisk undersøkelse av mislykkethet.
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Dette masterprosjektet er en undersøkelse av begrepet mislykkethet og hvordan det kan forstås i en kunstteoretisk kontekst, med utgangspunkt i kryssfeltene mellom den historiske avant-garden og kontemporær ... -
“This is me”: Storytelling with students to reveal their mutual entanglements with the “kulturskole”
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This video article illuminates what stories can be told about kulturskolen — Municipal Music and Performing Arts Schools in Norway — when pupils are the storytellers. The method is based in collaborative, long-term, ... -
Å tenke gjennom affekt: Affektiv usikkerhet i politisk engasjert samtidsteater
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 347, Doctoral thesis, 2022)Denne avhandlingen undersøker det kritiske potensialet i tilskueropplevelser preget av affektiv usikkerhet. I prosjektet analyseres tre forestillinger som griper inn i sammensatte samfunnsutfordringer uten å tilby løsninger ... -
Amplified Connections: Exploring Performative Co-Creation and Distributed Creativity in the Context of Accessible Music Creation Technologies
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 505, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In recent decades, interactive music systems have begun to be integrated into popular music performance. Advances in digital technology have enabled the inclusion of a large number of co-creators, encompassing even the ... -
Serious musicking: choral pedagogy in ‘low-threshold’ choirs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The voice plays a paradoxical role – it is inclusive because everyone has one, and it is exclusive as it is used to falsely separate ‘singers’ and ‘non-singers’. A new choral movement has emerged, with a low threshold for ... -
African music in Cuba : awareness of African music legacy among cuban musicians
(Master thesis, 2021) -
The Personal Encounter with World Politics : An attempt at criticizing and manifesting an alternative to global capitalism’s way of functioning through research-based performance
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder; no. 492, Doctoral thesis, 2024)1. Performance series: A Reversed Crime Story Background: On Christmas Eve 2015, in Rio de Janeiro, Edy Poppy, Julian Blaue, and their six-month-old son are assaulted and robbed by two men, wielding a large knife, from a ... -
Graduated classical musicians in Serbia and the music market
(Master thesis, 2024)This research aims to highlight the problems faced by students after completing their education, master's and bachelor's, in the field of classical music in Serbia. As one of those students, I had the opportunity to ... -
The Impact of Digital Innovation on the Collection and Distribution of Music Royalties - The Case of Ghana
(Master thesis, 2024)Ghana is a country with a huge energetic popular music scene that echos the country's cultural richness. With a current population of about 32 million people and a median age of 21.5 years, the country has been able to ... -
An Exploratory Research on the Effects of Social Media on Artists: An interview-based study on the Filipino indie music scene
(Master thesis, 2024)This paper delves into the impact of social media on artists specifically those in the independent music scene of Metro Manila, Philippines. Where social media seamlessly integrates itself into daily life, the effects of ... -
I Transitt mot Hverdagspoesi
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag: Hvis jeg skulle fremheve noe fremfor noe annet assosiert med arbeidet med denne Masteroppgaven, så er det ikke lett. Som tittelen indikerer består arbeidet med selve fotograferingen å ta de ulike hverdagsfotografier, ... -
Den gode timekeeper - En studie om ulike måter å øve på ferdigheter knyttet til time og rollen som timekeeper
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag I denne oppgaven utforskes ulike metoder for å øve på ferdigheter relatert til time og timekeeper-rollen. Dette blir gjort gjennom aksjonsforskning. Ved å trekke frem forskjellige perspektiver på timebegrepet ... -
Balkansk folkemusikk i møte med populærmusikk: Et krysningspunkt mellom ulike sjangere og musikktradisjoner
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne masteroppgaven består av et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid og er en del av en utøvende master. Gjennom en kunstnerisk tilnærming undersøker oppgaven hvordan ulike sjangere, tradisjoner, språk og kulturer kan forenes i ... -
Songwriting and AI
(Master thesis, 2024)In this thesis, I explore and research songwriters' experience of using artificial intelligence as a songwriting tool. To do so, three participants have explored the use of two different artificial intelligence tools in ... -
"Vinterland" - produksjonen av et konseptalbum på dialekt
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Denne oppgaven presenterer prosessen med å skape et konseptalbum på trøndersk dialekt, med tittelen "Vinterland." Den illustrerer, gjennom en autoetnografisk undersøkelse, komponeringen, arrangeringen og ...