School of Business and Law
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Department of Management [337]
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Kunstig intelligens i revisjon: Hvordan KI påvirker arbeidsprosesser
(Master thesis, 2024)Temaet om KI og GKI er aktuelt fordi det har vært økt fokus på disse digitale verktøyene de siste årene, og fremveksten har fått stor oppmerksomhet i Norge. KI og GKI har potensiale til å påvirke arbeidsprosesser, blant ... -
Bærekraftsrapportering i finanssektoren
(Master thesis, 2024)Vi lever i en tid preget av økende klimautfordringer, sosiale ulikheter i samfunnet og økende bekymring for ressursknapphet i verden. Økt bevissthet rundt menneskenes fotavtrykk på planeten vår vil kunne bidra til å bremse ... -
Å gjøre det som teller – og telle det som gjøres. Et bidrag til å forstå sammenhenger mellom bærekraftsrapportering og bærekraftspraksis i små og mellomstore bedrifter.
(Master thesis, 2024)Små og mellomstore bedrifter (SMBer) møter stadig økende forventninger om bærekraftig praksis. Krav til at virksomhetene informerer og dokumenterer på bærekraft, antas å øke betydelig som en konsekvens av et nytt omfattende ... -
Navigating the Maritime Green Transition: Shipowner's Approaches to Reducing GHG Emissions
(Master thesis, 2024)Selv om skipsfart regnes som den mest energieffektive transportformen, er reduksjon av klimagassutslipp grunnleggende i bransjens innsats for å bekjempe klimaendringer. Veien mot netto nullutslipp fra skip er fortsatt ... -
Product Innovation using Stage-Gate: An exploratory study of Machine Learning on product innovation.
(Master thesis, 2024)With the rapid pace of development of technology and the increase demand for new products across industries and markets, there has been a growing focus on New Product Development, models that will improve the process, ... -
Bullshit jobs in the Norwegian workforce, A quantitative analysis of perceptions of job meaningfulness and personal fulfillment across demographics and employment sectors
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates the prevalence and perception of "bullshit jobs" in the Norwegian workforce, drawing on David Graeber’s theory. Using a quantitative approach, data has been collected through a survey describing ... -
Bullshit jobs in the Norwegian workforce, A quantitative analysis of perceptions of job meaningfulness and personal fulfillment across demographics and employment sectors
(Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates the prevalence and perception of "bullshit jobs" in the Norwegian workforce, drawing on David Graeber’s theory. Using a quantitative approach, data has been collected through a survey describing ... -
Project Portfolios as Vehicles for Sustainable Development in Nepal
(Master thesis, 2024)This study explores the integration of sustainability practices into project portfolio management (PPM) in Nepal, focusing on the economic, environmental, and social dimensions. Despite low adoption rates, these practices ... -
Exposure and connectedness to natural environments: An examination of the measurement invariance of the Nature Exposure Scale (NES) and Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Detachment from nature is contributing to the environmental crisis and reversing this trend requires detailed monitoring and targeted interventions to reconnect people to nature. Most tools measuring nature exposure and ... -
Change agents for sustainability Unveiling the role of corporate sustainability managers as change agents sculpting the future of corporate responsibility
(Master thesis, 2024)Organizations are implementing Proactive Environmental Strategies (PES) to address the grand challenges, including climate change and biological degradation. To do so, organizations are hiring Corporate Sustainability ... -
Director and shareholder interactions at shareholder meetings: Compromising accountability in the service of colonialism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This research explores director and shareholder two-way face-to-face interactions at the shareholder meetings of Cecil Rhodes’s British South Africa Company, as reflected in verbatim minutes of those meetings. Shareholder ... -
Accounting Professionalization: The Case of Poland
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This paper draws on the sociology of professions to explore the professionalization of accounting in Poland. The aim is to analyse the ways in which actors in the accounting field establish their jurisdiction in the public, ... -
Blockchain for sustainable consumption: an affordance and consumer value-based view
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Purpose: There is little empirical evidence on how blockchain affordances may encourage consumers to make sustainable choices. Thus, this paper examines how blockchain affordances affect consumers’ sustainable consumption. ... -
What drives crowdfunding intentions of artist-entrepreneurs? – Evidence from Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Crowdfunding has been proclaimed as a new fundraising channel offering multiple benefits to artist-entrepreneurs, yet its use has been surprisingly underwhelming. The study examines the determinants of artist-entrepreneurs’ ... -
Digital technologies and carbon neutrality goals: An in-depth investigation of drivers, barriers, and risk mitigation strategies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Prior research has primarily concentrated on non-digital and process-oriented methods for achieving carbon neutrality (CN) in the context of mitigating climate change (CC), while the potential of digital technology (DT) ... -
Value at risk for Konsesjonskraft IKS
(Master thesis, 2024)ARMA models and uni- and multivariate ARMA-GARCH models are estimated based on log returns from time series of electricity price data from 2005 to 2019. The electricity price data are Nord Pool day-ahead spot prices and ... -
Adaptive Performance and Conflict Management in Multicultural Teams
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 517, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This study delves into the paradigm shift ushered in by the knowledge economy and its profound impact on organizational performance in the 21st century. As organizations navigate an increasingly complex and dynamic work ... -
To reform or not reform? Competing energy transition perspectives on Indonesia's monopoly electricity supplier Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This paper maps the opposing rationales for reforming or not reforming the giant monopoly electricity provider in the world's fourth most populous country. Indonesia's state-owned power company, Perusahaan Listrik Negara ... -
Big Data in Leadership Studies: Automated Machine Learning Model to Predict Preferred Leader Behavior Across Cultures
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)With global leadership as the new norm, discussion about followers’ preferred leader behaviors across cultures is growing in significance. This study proposes a comprehensive predictive model to explore significant preferred ... -
Essay on financial inclusion: the case of informal savings groups
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 510, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This dissertation focuses on the financial inclusion of individuals in low-income countries. Financial inclusion covers a large range of services and tools such as savings, affordable credit, facilitated payment systems, ...