Browsing Master's theses in Civil and Structural Engineering by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 153
Sammenhengen mellomstatisk og dynamisk utmatting i ensrettede fiberkompositter Tester og analyse av endring for dynamisk regresjonskurve av ensrettede kompositter utsatt for ulike statiske utmattingslaster
(Master thesis, 2015)I Det Norske Veritas (DNV) sin standard DNV-OS-C501 foreligger det retninglinjer for design, dimensjonering og verifisering av komposittstrukturer rettet spesielt mot offshore. Standarden gir internasjonalt aksepterte ... -
Parametric study and optimization of turret and mooring line connections Detailed analyses of the connecting link including advanced numerical modeling
(Master thesis, 2015)(Konfidensiell til/confidential until 01.07.2020) -
Seismiske analysemetoder - fra tverrkraft til modal analyse En sammenligning av fundamentkrefter
(Master thesis, 2015)This is a master's thesis written in the topic of civil engineering science at the University of Agder in the Institute of Engineering science located in Grimstad. The thesis is a study of results from three different ... -
En risikovurdering ved bruk av svalgang som rømningsvei : bruk av FDS til å undersøke brannsikkerheten ved fravikelser fra preaksepterte ytelser
(Master thesis, 2016)The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate the tenability limits on the egress path on an access balcony when not following all the given pre accepted solutions. The analysis construction deviates from some of the ... -
Livsløpsvurdering og dimensjonering av stålog limtrebue i en nettverksbuebru
(Master thesis, 2016)This master thesis focuses on the design and life cycle assessment (LCA) of a network arch bridge. The arch is designed and compared by using two different materials, steel and gluelam. This study is carried out on the ... -
Konstruktiv bruk av fiberarmering i betong
(Master thesis, 2016-10-05)Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.07.2021 -
Standardiserte konstruksjonselementer av fiberarmert polymer for vegbru : Design og dimensjonering av elementer for standardisering og bruk i vegbruer
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis is addressing the possibility for use of fiber reinforced polymers (FRP) in bridge constructions in Norway. The aim is to design an FRP section that can perform as both structural support and decking on the ... -
Dimensjonering av slank balkong i Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete
(Master thesis, 2017)As part of the fifth and final year in civil engineering at University of Agder, this master’s thesis has been composed. This report was written during the spring semester of 2017. The purpose of this thesis was to dimension ... -
Brannmotstanden til fiberkompositter etter slagskade : Numerisk analyse med beregning for å se endringen i kapasitet til fiberarmerte kompositter under høy temperatur etter at det har blitt utsatt for en slagskade
(Master thesis, 2017)Fiber reinforced composites have many good properties, but also many applications that make it vulnerable to accidental loads, like impact damage and fire. The problem with this is that minor and larger damage can be ... -
Rehabilitering av antikvarisk betongkonstruksjon fra perioden 1926-1938 : Vurdering av rehabiliteringstiltak og restkapasitet for Ingierstrand bad, basert på prøveresultater, dagens standard og standarden gjeldende i 1926-1938
(Master thesis, 2017)Traditionally restoration of antiquarian concrete constructions has been a prominent topic in Norwegian context. This topic has been given more attention, as more concrete constructions and reinforced concrete constructions ... -
Standardisering av brokonstruksjoner for nasjonale hovedveier
(Master thesis, 2017)Standardization is currently not being utilized much in the Norwegian road building industry compared to the rest of the construction industry and road construction abroad. To harvest the potential benefits, it is interesting ... -
Inkludere CO2-regnskap i 3D-modellen for veibyggingsprosjekter
(Master thesis, 2018)For decades, Norwegian roads were constructed and planed by use of printout drawings. Today, as projects increase in scope and complexity, road construction has become a highly collaborative effort, with multiple disciplines ... -
Comparison of Different Construction Methods for Multi‐Storey Timber Buildings
(Master thesis, 2018)In this master thesis, different timber materials and construction methods are examined concern‐ing the application in multi‐storey timber buildings. Although wood as a construction material has many advantages, it is today ... -
Design av en offshore gangbru i fiberarmert polymer
(Master thesis, 2018)Innovation and development are essential for a market in demand of faster, lighter and stronger solutions. As a material with high strength to weight ratio, and good possibilities of being premade, fiber reinforced ... -
Prosessorientert planlegging : Tverrfaglig analyse av flyt og forutsetninger i byggeprosjekter
(Master thesis, 2018)Introduction: The construction industry is undergoing constant changes and the complexity of today’s buildings is increasing. Simultaneously, there is a constant pressure to deliver projects faster and cheaper, without ... -
Inneklima og energibruk ved bruk av balansert ventilasjon vs. hybrid ventilasjon i nybygg i massivtre : Skonnertveien Hageby
(Master thesis, 2018)Most apartment buildings today are installed with mechanical balanced ventilation. A measure to reduce energy consumption and still satisfy the demand for heating is to apply hybrid ventilation. That includes using natural ... -
Analysing UHPFRC beams with the help of ANSYS
(Master thesis, 2018)This Master thesis is about analysis of Ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) beams with the help of the Finite Element Analysis software ANSYS. The research question and the operational questions ... -
Use of BIM Technology and 3D-Modeling to Automate the Paperless Reinforcement Production
(Master thesis, 2018)Although, Building Information Modeling has flourishing development for reinforced concrete, still there is a long way to achieve efficient performance throughout reinforcement supply chain. Statsbygg through the use of ... -
Effektivisering av betongelementproduksjonen : Ved bruk av tegningsløs armering og prefabrikkert forskaling
(Master thesis, 2018)Technology evolves exponentially, and technological aids follow the same course. Manufacturing methods in the construction industry are also constantly evolving, and a company that wishes to follow this development is ... -
Kostnad- og miljøanalyse av et leilighetskompleks : En sammenligning mellom massivtre og konvensjonelle løsninger i et moderne byggeprosjekt
(Master thesis, 2018)Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.07.2023