Rehabilitering av antikvarisk betongkonstruksjon fra perioden 1926-1938 : Vurdering av rehabiliteringstiltak og restkapasitet for Ingierstrand bad, basert på prøveresultater, dagens standard og standarden gjeldende i 1926-1938
Traditionally restoration of antiquarian concrete constructions has been a prominent topic in
Norwegian context. This topic has been given more attention, as more concrete constructions and
reinforced concrete constructions have been preserved. In this thesis a case-study were done of
Ingierstrand bad.
A central part of the restoration of antiquarian concrete constructions is to control the capacity of
the concrete against occurring stresses. We have in this thesis theoretically controlled the capacity of
the standard being used during projecting and building, and that of today’s standard. We suggested
the actions of restoration we think suitable for the chosen construction parts in Ingierstrand bad,
based on test results and calculations. The results from the calculations has been compared and
The technical information of the building substance for the old constructions was insufficient. Thus,
we had to do well considered assumptions repeatedly, based on information from field survey, in
addition to observations and information from the standard of 1926. This makes it more challenging
to decide the capacities and the carrying capacity of the constructions. In restoring antiquarian
concrete constructions there is ordinarily not a request to comply with the regulations and standard
of today. Therefore, it is not necessary calculate the constructions according to the standard of today
when restoring antiquarian concrete constructions, unless there will be a change in usage. Thus, it is
not usual to do any comparison between the standard of today and the standard at that time. For
this cause the task is professional interesting, since the correlation of the residual capacity (or lack of
correlation) between the standard of today and the standard used from 1926 – 1938.
Suggestions of simple pre-treatment action with a following electro-chemical realkalizing has been
suggested for the main building. Mechanical repair and hydrophobation are suggested for the
constructions of the diving-tower and the pier. These actions of restoration will provide that the
original carrying capacity of the constructions are recovered, and at the same time the antiquarian
principles are fulfilled. The weaknesses of the original constructions in relation to durability is
renovated with a complete mechanical change and electro-chemical realkalizing.
The four constructions are calculated with regard to capacity according to today’s standard aswell as
the standard from 1926. It is not possible to make a collection of generalizations for these
constructions based on these calculations. We observe that the constructions capacity with regard to
moment and axialforce has less residual capacity when calculated according to the standard from
1926. For shear capacity the standard of today results in the lowest residual capacity. Our
information is quite ensuring but still there could be many presumptions. We don’t have a lot of data
directly from the construction parts considered, which cause a uncertainty related to the certainty of
the calculations
Masteroppgave bygg BYG500 - Universitetet i Agder 2017