Browsing Master's theses in Civil and Structural Engineering by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 153
3D printed concrete bridges : Opportunities, Challenges, and Conditions
(Master thesis, 2020) -
A Digital Twin framework for multi-objective optimization
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis represents the culmination of the Msc civil engineering course at the University of Agder. This thesis aims to attempt to define a framework for implementing digital twins in an investment cost/energy consumption ... -
Analyse av arealutnyttelse, vibrasjoner og knutepunkter i moderne trekonstruksjoner
(Master thesis, 2022)Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is a popular construction material combining good structural properties and environmental advantages. In the last decade, CLT has been playing a key role in increasing the use of timber ... -
Analyse av arealutnyttelse, vibrasjoner og knutepunkter i moderne trekonstruksjoner
(Master thesis, 2022)Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is a popular construction material combining good structural properties and environmental advantages. In the last decade, CLT has been playing a key role in increasing the use of timber ... -
Analysing UHPFRC beams with the help of ANSYS
(Master thesis, 2018)This Master thesis is about analysis of Ultra-high performance fibre reinforced concrete (UHPFRC) beams with the help of the Finite Element Analysis software ANSYS. The research question and the operational questions ... -
Anvendelsesområder for 3D-printing av betongkonstruksjoner
(Master thesis, 2022)The intention of this master thesis is to investigate the application area for 3D printing of concrete in the construction industry and was written during the spring of 2022 at the University of Agder. 3D printing or ... -
Anvendelsesområder for 3D-printing av betongkonstruksjoner
(Master thesis, 2022)The intention of this master thesis is to investigate the application area for 3D printing of concrete in the construction industry and was written during the spring of 2022 at the University of Agder. 3D printing or ... -
Application of Heavy Equipment Telematics in Infrastructure Projects : Method for automating collection of mixed fleet data, and optimization of projects through the use of telematics data
(Master thesis, 2019)Existing heavy equipment telematics capabilities are not being used to their potential.In collaboration with Skanska there is an interest to look at how telematics can beused more efficiently with ... -
Avstivningsevnen til sammensatte veggelementer av limtre
(Master thesis, 2022)In recent years, the use of timber in large structures has increased, partly because of its good environmental properties. One wood-based product that has emerged is the HBE-element, which practically is a 580mm high glulam ... -
Avstivningsevnen til sammensatte veggelementer av limtre
(Master thesis, 2022)In recent years, the use of timber in large structures has increased, partly because of its good environmental properties. One wood-based product that has emerged is the HBE-element, which practically is a 580mm high glulam ... -
Benyttelse av miljøasfalter: livsløpsanalyse og muligheter i asfaltbransjen
(Master thesis, 2024)Masteroppgaven omfatter bruken av nye miljøasfalter i asfaltbransjen. Oppgaven inneholder en livsløpsanalyse av tre miljøasfalter og en tradisjonell asfalt. De tre miljøasfaltene er en talloljeasfalt, SiGS-asfalt og ... -
Benyttelse av miljøasfalter: livsløpsanalyse og muligheter i asfaltbransjen
(Master thesis, 2024)Masteroppgaven omfatter bruken av nye miljøasfalter i asfaltbransjen. Oppgaven inneholder en livsløpsanalyse av tre miljøasfalter og en tradisjonell asfalt. De tre miljøasfaltene er en talloljeasfalt, SiGS-asfalt og ... -
Bestandighetsegenskapene til hvit betong sammenlignet med grå betong i tilsvarende fasthetsklasse Forsøk av fryse/tine-nedbrytning med avisingssalter.
(Master thesis, 2023)The basis of this master thesis is the new planned «Knubben» harbor bath in Arendal. The architects from Snøhetta had decided to build the construction in white concrete. White concrete is curently a material that is not ... -
Bestandighetsstudie av Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) : En forskning om påvirkningen av rissvidde, overdekning og eksponeringsmiljø med hensyn på betongens beskyttelsesevne mot armeringskorrosjon
(Master thesis, 2020)Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) was developed in research to increase the strength and durability of concrete. The material has shown remarkable ductility, durabilityand strength properties in laboratory tests, ... -
Brannmotstanden til fiberkompositter etter slagskade : Numerisk analyse med beregning for å se endringen i kapasitet til fiberarmerte kompositter under høy temperatur etter at det har blitt utsatt for en slagskade
(Master thesis, 2017)Fiber reinforced composites have many good properties, but also many applications that make it vulnerable to accidental loads, like impact damage and fire. The problem with this is that minor and larger damage can be ... -
Bruk av FEM-modellering til kapasitetsundersøkelser av momentoverførende knutepunkter i stål
(Master thesis, 2021)Eurocode 3 provides a rough analytical method to estimate the capacity of a steel joint by derivingthe overall behavior from its components. Numerical methods such as the finite element method(FEM) enable accurate simulation ... -
Bruken av 3D-laserskanning i produksjon av bygg
(Master thesis, 2023)The construction industry has vast potential for improving productivity and efficiency, and in the era of Construction 4.0 the spotlight has been put on the integration of state-of-the-art digital technologies and automation ... -
Bruken av 3D-laserskanning i produksjonen av bygg
(Master thesis, 2023)The construction industry has vast potential for improving productivity and efficiency, and in the era of Construction 4.0 the spotlight has been put on the integration of state-of-the-art digital technologies and automation ... -
Building Occupants' Comfort Levels Identified with POE and Visualized by BIM
(Master thesis, 2023)Creating and maintaining a comfortable indoor environment is crucial for energy-efficient building operation. However, there is often a disparity between defined comfort conditions and occupants' perceived comfort. To ... -
Bærekraftig Industribygg
(Master thesis, 2024)This master’s thesis explores how building materials such as Cross-laminated timber (CLT) and glued laminated timber (glulam) can be used as alternative building materials to traditional steel-sandwich panel in industrial ...