Use of BIM Technology and 3D-Modeling to Automate the Paperless Reinforcement Production
Although, Building Information Modeling has flourishing development for reinforced concrete, still there is a long way to achieve efficient performance throughout reinforcement supply chain. Statsbygg through the use of 3D reinforcement of digital construction project (Gol Traffic Station), desires to achieve a full paperless drawings and documentation project. There is also a strong ambition to standardizes those codes that are not mentioned in the official bending lists.
This project has two-part and, follows these objectives:
1. Automate the production of reinforcement, production by direct export from model, avoiding manual work in the form of official bending lists and minimizing incorrect production / deliveries.
2. Reinforcement of cast in site structures by model and avoiding traditional reinforcement drawings on building sites.
In this study, current tools' capacities and performance from these prospects is evaluated. The flow work for 3 reinforcements over its data exchange is considered. This process demonstrates the importance of selecting the proper method of extracting outputs from the model, and its influence on the path from modelling to the production section for BIM tools to operational support and perfect the whole reinforcement modelling.
BIM tools are considered in four sections: design and modeling; editing, updating and optimization, interoperability, project and construction management. This assessment demonstrates development trends in the BIM software industry according to concrete 3D-reinforcement. It is attempted to simulate a small section of Gol project to get a better understanding of work flow.
In this assignment the focus would have be on the workflow and improvement or optimization of this purposes.
• Consider how we can standardize the workflow using file formats (excel / BVBS). Pros / Cons of these.
• What are the challenges with quality assurance? How to set status on objects?
• What parameters must be included in the model?
• Which standard views must be included in the production / assembly at the construction site
Master's Thesis Civil and Constructional Engineering BYG508 - University of Agder 2018