Design av en offshore gangbru i fiberarmert polymer
Innovation and development are essential for a market in demand of faster, lighter and stronger
solutions. As a material with high strength to weight ratio, and good possibilities of being premade,
fiber reinforced polymers can meet those requirements. However, it has yet to challenge concrete,
steel and aluminum as a structural material. This is the underlying challenge for the problem
statement of this assignment, to construct an offshore gangway using fiber reinforced polymers.
The design concept is based on existing steel and aluminum constructions within the size range of 25-
30m fully extended. To solve the problem and answer the research question properly, a finite
element model was developed in the software ANSYS. The model was continuously improved for
adequate and realistic results. Dimensioning criterions were done according to DNV-GL. Due to time
and size restrictions, the gangway was limited to the following dimension criterions: buckling,
fatigue, fiber failure, displacement, impact load and temperature changes. Besides that, a risk
analysis and price estimation were done to check the realism of the project.
In theory, it was thought that the construction would need carbon fiber to reach a satisfying stiffness,
but the result is a design constructed using exclusively glass fiber composites. Also, the price
estimation suggests that a gangway in fiber reinforced polymers could compete with conventional
Lastly, we would recommend further investigation into relevant topics that were excluded from this
Keywords: Material technology, fiber reinforced polymers, composite construction, finite element
analysis (ANSYS), risk analysis, price estimation.
Masteroppgave bygg BYG508 - Universitetet i Agder 2018