• 2023 International Olympic Committee's (IOC) consensus statement on Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) 

    Mountjoy, Margo; Ackerman, Kathryn E.; Bailey, David M.; Burke, Louise M.; Constantini, Naama; Hackney, Anthony C.; Heikura, Ida A.; Melin, Anna; Pensgaard, Anne Marte; Stellingwerff, Trent; Sundgot-Borgen, Jorunn; Torstveit, Monica Klungland; Jacobsen, Astrid Uhrenholdt; Verhagen, Evert ALM; Budgett, Richard; Engebretsen, Lars; Erdener, Uğur (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
    Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs) was first introduced in 2014 by the International Olympic Committee’s expert writing panel, identifying a syndrome of deleterious health and performance outcomes experienced by ...
  • Towards more culturally aware teaching of ‘scientific practices’: Understanding science as a social-historical human endeavour 

    Palmer, Helen Suzanne; Efstathiou, Sophia; Lykknes, Annette (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    ‘Scientific practices’ are included as a core element in Norway’s new science curriculum as of 2020. In dialogue with international research on the teaching and learning of scientific practices, Haug et al. (2021) have ...
  • Skolens koordineringsgruppe. Et profesjonelt lag rundt barnet? 

    Holmen, Astrid Nesvold; Aggvin, Elisabeth Grumheden (Master thesis, 2024)
    Sammendrag I denne oppgaven har vi undersøkt om koordineringsgruppene på ungdomsskoler i Kristiansand arbeider som profesjonelle læringsfellesskap, i tråd med skoleeiers forventninger i Rammeverk for kvalitet og mestring. ...
  • Goalkeeper: A Zero-Sum Exergame for Motivating Physical Activity 

    Niforatos, Evangelos; Tran, Camilla; Pappas, Ilias; Giannakos, Michail (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
    Incentives and peer competition have so far been employed independently for increasing physical activity. In this paper, we introduce Goalkeeper, a mobile application that utilizes deposit contracts for motivating physical ...
  • Coping with Covid-19. Dugnad: A case of the moral premise of the Norwegian welfare state 

    Nilsen, Ann Christin Eklund; Skarpenes, Ove (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
    Purpose This paper provides an analysis of the notion of dugnad (collective effort) in the context of the first weeks of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Norway. By appealing to people's sense of collective effort (dugnadsånd) ...

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