Browsing Master's theses in Multimedia and Educational Technology by Title
Now showing items 20-38 of 38
Optimization and Disruption in Physical Retail Shopping Environment
(Master thesis, 2022)Every year, queues cost brick-and-mortar retailers billions in lost revenues, and consumers are growing more impatient about standing in line. To survive the competition from e-commerce, stores need new innovations that ... -
Optimizing Educational Videos for Mobile Platforms
(Master thesis, 2024)As digital advancements have dominated the past decades, educational videos have emerged as one of the key methods of delivering content, engaging students and offering deep understanding for learners remotely. This master ... -
Optimizing Educational Videos for Mobile Platforms
(Master thesis, 2024)As digital advancements have dominated the past decades, educational videos have emerged as one of the key methods of delivering content, engaging students and offering deep understanding for learners remotely. This master ... -
Paramedic Training with Virtual Reality: An Approach to Immersive Learning in Procedural Training
(Master thesis, 2024)Forskning på hvordan VR simulering kan bli brukt til å trene på ABCDE prosedyren for ambulansearbeidere. -
Paramedic Training with Virtual Reality: An Approach to Immersive Learning in Procedural Training
(Master thesis, 2024)Forskning på hvordan VR simulering kan bli brukt til å trene på ABCDE prosedyren for ambulansearbeidere. -
Ressursbruk ved spilladapsjon
(Master thesis, 2022)Å bruke digitale spill i undervisningssammenheng er en økende praksis. At lærere tar de unges fritidsaktiviteter inn i en pedagogisk setting oppleves som å være motiverende og engasjerende for elevene. Likevel er det mye ... -
Sammenligningsstudie av læringsplattformer
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven omhandler sammenligning av digitale læringsplattformer. Grunnlaget for oppgaven var å utvikle to nettbaserte kurs for Utviklingssenter for sykehjem hjemmetjenester Agder. For å utvikle kursene ble det brukt ... -
Smart monitoring the health of dogs: a proof of concept
(Master thesis, 2022)English: This master thesis discusses the conceptualization of a smart health monitor device for dogs. The dog owner will in theory be able to monitor the dog’s well-being through their smartphone. The author of the thesis ... -
Supporting active learning through immersive mixed and virtual reality technologies
(Master thesis, 2023)As the world economies continue to grow, natural resources are being used at such high rates that may negatively affect future generations. One of the issues is that the general population may know some solutions for ... -
Supporting active learning through immersive mixed and virtual reality technologies
(Master thesis, 2023)As the world economies continue to grow, natural resources are being used at such high rates that may negatively affect future generations. One of the issues is that the general population may know some solutions for ... -
The battle against outsiderness: Translating gamer skills into corporate competencies
(Master thesis, 2024)Dette arbeidet hadde som formål å undersøke mulige løsninger til den økende mengden unge mennesker som faller utenfor arbeidslivet og utdanning. Arbeidet fulgte en pragmatisk og løsningsorientert fremgangsmåte, basert ... -
Towards a playful approach to learning collaboration
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis looks into whether soft skills and group comprehension can be af- fected by playing a game designed for this purpose. If students can gain group work experience by playing. We developed a game for this purpose. ... -
Towards a playful approach to learning collaboration
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis looks into whether soft skills and group comprehension can be affected by playing a game designed for this purpose. If students can gain group work experience by playing. We developed a game for this purpose. ... -
Understanding Brand and Design Aesthetics: An Exploration of Color, Design and Typography
(Master thesis, 2023)This thesis explores the complexities of evolutionary brand design, focusing specifically on the role of color and typography in brand aesthetics. Using a mixed-methods approach incorporating surveys, group discussions, ... -
Utilizing AI patients in VR simulation for suicide risk assessment training
(Master thesis, 2024)Together with Sørlandet sykehus helseforetak and their team of specialists from the Selvmordsforebyggende nettverk, this thesis investigates the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to play the role of a patient in a virtual ... -
Utilizing AI patients in VR simulation for suicide risk assessment training
(Master thesis, 2024)Together with Sørlandet sykehus helseforetak and their team of specialists from the Selvmordsforebyggende nettverk, this thesis investigates the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to play the role of a patient in a virtual ... -
Virtual reality supported simulation training for healthcare personnel
(Master thesis, 2022)Sørlandet sykehus helseforetak suggested a thesis to design a virtual reality (VR) application with 360-degree videos to be used as an educational tool for training psychiatric healthcare personnel in handling aggressive ... -
Webbasert e-turisme applikasjon med værvisualisering
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven er i samarbeid med Agder XR og Lindesnes fyrmuseum. Lindesnes fyrmuseum har hatt et ønske om å nå ut til flere folk, primært de som ikke kan besøke de, og slik vekke interesse for destinasjonen. Her ble det ... -
Webbasert e-turisme applikasjon med værvisualisering
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven er i samarbeid med Agder XR og Lindesnes fyrmuseum. Lindesnes fyrmuseum har hatt et ønske om å nå ut til flere folk, primært de som ikke kan besøke de, og slik vekke interesse for destinasjonen. Her ble det ...