Faculty of Social Sciences
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Cyber-Security in Digital Metering Value Chain for Mountain Landslide Warning
(IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology;622, Chapter, 2021)The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE) are initiating a digitalization process that involves the use of a digital metering value chain and cloud computing. The main objective of this study is to investigate ... -
Understanding Civic Engagement on Social Media Based on Users’ Motivation to Contribute
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)Socialmediaoffervariousopportunitiesforcivicengagementby,e.g., liking, sharing, or posting relevant content. Users’ motivation to contribute to relevant topics is quite divers and can stem from an intrinsic motivation to ... -
Designing Transport Supporting Services Together with Users with Intellectual Disabilities
(Chapter, 2020)Transportation is an important yet challenging aspect in terms of mobility for persons with intellectual disabilities (ID). Despite positive implications of designing services with users, persons with ID are rarely given ... -
Skolens koordineringsgruppe. Et profesjonelt lag rundt barnet?
(Master thesis, 2024)I denne oppgaven har vi undersøkt om koordineringsgruppene på ungdomsskoler i Kristiansand arbeider som profesjonelle læringsfellesskap, i tråd med skoleeiers forventninger i Rammeverk for kvalitet og mestring. Vi har to ... -
Arbeidsmiljø i barnehagen
(Master thesis, 2024)Formålet med denne oppgaven er å undersøke pedagogenes opplevelse av arbeidsmiljøet i barnehagesektoren i Sandnes kommune. Barnehagesektoren er generelt preget av høyt sykefravær, og arbeidsmiljø blir ofte sett på som en ... -
Kommunedirektør; samfunnsutvikler, sekundant eller en hemsko? Kreves det nye egenskaper for å utøve lederskapet som kommunedirektør i dag?
(Master thesis, 2024)Mange av oss undrer oss kanskje på hva som motiverer ledere til å søke på stillingen som kommunedirektør. Kommunedirektørene står i dag overfor et svært sammensatt sett av utfordringer og forventninger. Med det komplekse ... -
Skolens koordineringsgruppe. Et profesjonelt lag rundt barnet?
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag I denne oppgaven har vi undersøkt om koordineringsgruppene på ungdomsskoler i Kristiansand arbeider som profesjonelle læringsfellesskap, i tråd med skoleeiers forventninger i Rammeverk for kvalitet og mestring. ... -
Goalkeeper: A Zero-Sum Exergame for Motivating Physical Activity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Incentives and peer competition have so far been employed independently for increasing physical activity. In this paper, we introduce Goalkeeper, a mobile application that utilizes deposit contracts for motivating physical ... -
Coping with Covid-19. Dugnad: A case of the moral premise of the Norwegian welfare state
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose This paper provides an analysis of the notion of dugnad (collective effort) in the context of the first weeks of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Norway. By appealing to people's sense of collective effort (dugnadsånd) ... -
Is this Digital Resilience? Insights from Adaptation and Exaptation of a Cyber-Physical-Social System
(Chapter, 2022)This paper is based on a qualitative case study that explores the adaptation and customisation of a Cyber Physical Social System (CPSS)-based patient monitoring solution for use during Covid19 in the Norwegian health sector. ... -
How is the Social aspect of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) considered among Norwegian asset managers when doing due diligence on investments?
(Master thesis, 2024)This thesis explores how Norwegian asset managers integrate the social aspect of ESG (Environment Social Governance) into their due diligence processes. The study employs qualitative methods, including semi-structured ... -
Non-user acceptance of autonomous technology: A survey of bicyclist receptivity to fully autonomous vehicles
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Whereas the information systems literature mainly has focused on the individual user acceptance of technology, this study focuses on non-user acceptance, termed technology receptivity. Autonomous vehicles (AVs) represent ... -
Educating about Responsible AI in IS: Designing a Course Based on Experiential Learning
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022)Responsible AI (RAI) is an emerging topic in the Information Systems (IS) literature. RAI entails ensuring ethical, transparent, and accountable use of AI technologies in line with societal values, expectations, and norms. ... -
Strengthening the Use of Enterprise Architecture: an Institutional Work Perspective
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021)The organisational adoption and use of Enterprise Architecture (EA) are pursued by enterprises aiming to improve their digital services and overall performance by aligning IT with processes. Nevertheless, despite the ... -
Kenyan NGOs’ Fight Towards a More Inclusive Society for Female Sex Workers in Mombasa
(Master thesis, 2024)Female sex workers (FSWs) worldwide experience stigmatization and violations of their fundamental human rights. This includes violence, lack of access to basic services such as healthcare- and legal assistance. This study ... -
Engaging with local communities : Five key lessons that businesses can learn from universities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)As businesses are coming to terms with the challenges derived from the Covid-19 crisis, they are realizing the need to do more for and with their local communities than being co-located or having business relationships. ... -
Knowledge Creation - A Perspective on the Development of Design Principles
(International Conference on Design Science Research in Information Systems and Technology;, Chapter, 2020)In this paper we reflect on and conceptualize on the development of design principles in a design process. We use the concept of ba to describe how design principles can be created when involving users, domain experts, ... -
A resilience framework for managing cyber risks in digital supply chains in the Norwegian power industry
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 495, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In today’s interconnected society, the complexity of digital supply chains complicates management. These digital supply chains consist of actors interconnected through digital infrastructure to generate value. Digitalisation ... -
Gården som alternativ læringsarena for elever på ungdomstrinnet
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 497, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Den overordnede problemstillingen som jeg svarer på i mitt avhandlingsarbeid er: Hvordan erfarer elever på 9. og 10. trinn, skoleansatte og gårdbrukere, gård– skole-tilbud? Enkelte elever som har utfordringer med ... -
Utilizing Multimodal Data Through fsQCA to Explain Engagement in Adaptive Learning
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Investigating and explaining the patterns of learners' engagement in adaptive learning conditions is a core issue towards improving the quality of personalized learning services. This article collects learner data from ...