Recent Submissions

  • Simulering av brannforløp under solcelle på skråtak 

    Gundersen, Maria Hærås (Master thesis, 2024)
    Bakgrunnen for dette prosjektet er denne økende trenden, i sammenheng med manglende erfaring og regelverk rundt solceller. Økt bruk av solcelleinstallasjoner medfører en del nye problemstillinger, spesielt med tanke på ...
  • Hvordan kan 4D-BIM implementeres hos entreprenører? 

    Krasniqi, Flaka (Master thesis, 2024)
    This master thesis was written as a part of master program for civil structure engineering BYG508. The purpose of this of study is to highlight and investigate the implementation of 4D-BIM for entrepreneurs. The research ...
  • Overvannshåndtering i plan 

    Systad, Johan (Master thesis, 2024)
    I de senere år har det vært flere hendelser hvor nedbør har forårsaket store skader i Norge. Samtidig har det vært en merkbar økning i nedbørintensitet samt hyppigere gjentaksintervall Kommunen er plan- og bygningsmyndighet, ...
  • Utfordringer i fuktprosjektering 

    Giil, Erlend Austreim (Master thesis, 2024)
    This master's thesis was mainly carried out as a qualitative study. The assignment is based on semi-structured interviews based on ten informants who have different backgrounds and experience from the industry. The task ...
  • Safety against quick clay landslide 

    Morterud Munir, Yasir (Master thesis, 2023)
    In recent years, there has been a growing focus on landslide hazards and risks due to the gradual increase in landslide occurrences in Norway attributed to climate and climate change. This has led to heightened attention ...
  • Vindkraft ved E18 

    Skeide, Kjetil Orbakk; Neuman, Nicolai Emil; Maisenhølder, Aleksander C. (Master thesis, 2023)
    Wind turbine technology is a field that has experienced significant innovation and technical progress over the last decades. Because of this, such projects are more feasible now than ever, particularly from a technical ...
  • Vindkraft ved E18 

    Skeide, Kjetil Orbakk; ; Neuman, Nicolai Emil; ; Maisenhølder, Aleksander C. (Master thesis, 2023)
    Wind turbine technology is a field that has experienced significant innovation and technical progress over the last decades. Because of this, such projects are more feasible now than ever, particularly from a technical ...
  • Vindkraft ved E18 

    Skeide, Kjetil Orbakk; Neuman, Nicolai Emil; Maisenhølder, Aleksander C. (Master thesis, 2023)
    Wind turbine technology is a field that has experienced significant innovation and technical progress over the last decades. Because of this, such projects are more feasible now than ever, particularly from a technical ...
  • Building Occupants' Comfort Levels Identified with POE and Visualized by BIM 

    Nørve, Victoria (Master thesis, 2023)
    Creating and maintaining a comfortable indoor environment is crucial for energy-efficient building operation. However, there is often a disparity between defined comfort conditions and occupants' perceived comfort. To ...
  • Ombruk av hulldekker fra eksisterende bygg 

    Altinawi, Abdelaziz; Kismul, Sondre (Master thesis, 2023)
    For a long time, the construction industry has been dominated by a linear mindset in building projects. The contemporary focus on our earth’s climate, has put pressure on the industry in regard to its relation for circular ...
  • Digital 3D tvilling 

    Nilsen, Eline Marie (Master thesis, 2023)
    Denne masteroppgaven forsøker å utforske hvordan offentlige kartdata kan konverteres til en digital 3D tvilling på CityGML-format ved å bruke FME. For å svare på dette har FME blitt brukt til å utforske om og hvordan ...
  • Sirkulærøkonomi i norsk veiinfrastruktur: Veien videre 

    Vetnes, Alexander Grødum (Master thesis, 2023)
    Denne masteroppgaven undersøker bruken av sirkulær økonomi (SØ) i veiinfrastruktur, og utforsker barrierer og drivere som påvirker implementeringen. Studien tar sikte på å identifisere hvordan norsk veiinfrastruktur kan ...
  • Life Cycle Assessment of road construction: A case study of the E39 Betna-Hestnes road project in Norway 

    Kuj, Muhammad Fadel Murad (Master thesis, 2023)
    This master thesis assesses the environmental impacts caused by constructing E39 Betna-Hestnes Road Project in Trøndelag County, Norway, by using LCA methodology. additionally, this thesis seeks to identify potential ...
  • Ombruk av hulldekker fra eksisterende bygg 

    Kismul, Sondre; Altinawi, Abdelaziz (Master thesis, 2023)
    For a long time, the construction industry has been dominated by a linear mindset in building projects. The contemporary focus on our earth’s climate, has put pressure on the industry in regard to its relation for circular ...
  • A Digital Twin framework for multi-objective optimization 

    Tronsen, Tron (Master thesis, 2023)
    This thesis represents the culmination of the Msc civil engineering course at the University of Agder. This thesis aims to attempt to define a framework for implementing digital twins in an investment cost/energy consumption ...
  • Herdeteknologi – modellering av betongens temperatur- og fasthetsutvikling 

    Shah Mahmoud, Baryalay; Miri, Jawid; Karimi, Mohammad Hassan (Master thesis, 2023)
    For many years, Heidelberg Materials Cement Norway has offered the Norwegian concrete market the curing technology software HETT97. This software is a planning tool for simulating temperature and strength development in ...
  • Herdeteknologi – modellering av betongens temperatur- og fasthetsutvikling 

    Shah Mahmoud, Baryalay; Miri, Jawid; Karimi, Mohammad Hassan (Master thesis, 2023)
    For many years, Heidelberg Materials Cement Norway has offered the Norwegian concrete market the curing technology software HETT97. This software is a planning tool for simulating temperature and strength development in ...
  • Herdeteknologi - modellering av betonges temperatur - og fasthetsutvikling 

    Shah Mahmoud, Baryalay; Miri, Jawid; Karimi, Mohammad Hassan (Master thesis, 2023)
    For many years, Heidelberg Materials Cement Norway has offered the Norwegian concrete market the curing technology software HETT97. This software is a planning tool for simulating temperature and strength development in ...
  • Overvatn som ressurs 

    Brandsar, Øystein (Master thesis, 2023)
    This master's thesis has explored the concept of stormwater as a resource in the context of planning processes. The aim was to investigate how stormwater is perceived, managed, and evaluated within the framework of planning ...
  • Bestandighetsegenskapene til hvit betong sammenlignet med grå betong i tilsvarende fasthetsklasse Forsøk av fryse/tine-nedbrytning med avisingssalter. 

    Sundklakk, Julianne (Master thesis, 2023)
    The basis of this master thesis is the new planned «Knubben» harbor bath in Arendal. The architects from Snøhetta had decided to build the construction in white concrete. White concrete is curently a material that is not ...

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