Vintervedlikeholdets to sider: Befolkningens forventinger og bymiljøetatens retningslinjer
SummaryThis report is a master thesis investigating the reason for why road plowing prioritizes car roads over pedestrian and bicycle roads. Each year winter maintenance is a major topic as the amount of snow will cause challenges for accessibility on the public roads. Winter snow maintenance involves the aspect of snow plowing and spreading. Snow plowing involves pushing snow to the side of the road and freeing up space so that vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclist can have free lane with better road grip. However, does all three of these transport modes get prioritized equally when regarding snow plowing, if not, why not? This is the main problem which will researched in this master’s thesis.Our research questions are, “Why car roads are prioritized for plowing over pedestrians and bicyclists despite the desire to promote more sustainable forms of transportation?”
Methodologically, the research includes a survey of local residents who use pedestrian roads and bicycle paths. An observational of the chosen area for analysis both in good and bad snow plowed conditions. And a review of municipal policies for plowing and academic reports.
The conclusion highlights several key points. First of all, safety and emergency response, car roads are prioritized to ensure accessibility for emergency services. secondly, main roads with public transport are very crucial for maintaining urban mobility. Through our observation and survey, we found out that poor plowing significantly affects pedestrians and cyclists, and the use and choice of these roads. Improved plowing of these roads could increase their use. And finally using environmentally friendly de-icing particles can support sustainable urban management.