Redesign of Utility Robot for Carbothermic Test Reactor
Master thesis
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Production of aluminum based on a carbothermic reaction is an exciting field of research. It could potentially
reduce the energy consumption of aluminum production drastically. Alcoa Norway Carbothermic has been
involved in the field of carbothermic aluminum research since 1998. As a part of development of their newest
carbothermic test reactor, the Hot Bowl reactor, Alcoa Norway Carbothermic has proposed a thesis regarding
redesign of a machine used to lower different types of measuring equipment down into the reactor, called the
utility robot. This thesis describe the process leading up to a new utility robot solution.
The new utility robot was designed in SolidWorks and dimensioned using calculations and FEM analyses in
Abaqus. Technical drawings were composed for all fully developed components. These components were then
issued for construction, and are currently being machined. Pneumatic and hydraulic cylinders, linear rails,
bearings and other components were selected and ordered.
The final result is a nearly complete utility robot that fulfill the requirements and design specifications
specified by Alcoa. The new solution is more automatic and is less labor intensive to operate than the old
Masteroppgave i mekatronikk - Universitetet i Agder, 2015