Master's theses in Mechatronics
Recent Submissions
Machine learning and IMU: Smart Gait applications for use in real-time systems
(Master thesis, 2024)Inertial Measurement Units hold a great potential for real-time gait phase measurements, gait kinematics measurement, and gait analysis. They offer convenience in the form of their light weight and portability. There are ... -
Calibration of the HMPID detector at the ALICE experiment
(Master thesis, 2022)The ALICE ("A Large Ion Collider Experiment")-experiment at the LHC ("Large Hadron Collider") at CERN is an experiment with the prime aim being investigating interaction forces of particles at extreme temperature and energy ... -
Electric Vehicle Battery Module Dismantling "Analysis and Evaluation of Robotic Dismantling Techniques for Irre- versible Fasteners, including Object Detection of Components."
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis examines a study of The Litium-Ion Battery (LIB) from a electric vehicle, and it’s recycling processes. A Battery Module (BM) from the LIB is shredded when considered an End-Of-Life product, and motivates for ... -
Development of a HIL Simulator for Hydraulically Actuated Cranes Using TwinCAT and Unreal Engine
(Master thesis, 2022) -
Robot localization
(Master thesis, 2022)This master's thesis presents the application of a robot localization process for a terminal tractor. To determine an accurate robot localization is essential for autonomous operations. This thesis investigates the use ... -
Design, Modeling and Simulation of a Buffer and Injection Unit for Deep Sea Mining
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis presents a design of a buffer and injection unit used in deep sea mining. The design process has presented a promising concept, that has been validated through modeling and simulations. The main task for the ... -
Framo Active Flow Control
(Master thesis, 2022)Flow control of veocity profiles in a recirculating aquaculture tank. -
Framo Active Flow Control
(Master thesis, 2022)Flow control of velocity profiles in a recirculating aquaculture tank. -
mmWave radar based contactless method for estimating parameters of swinging load: Implementation and Validation
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis proposes a novel method to estimate the parameters of a suspended swinging load using a 77GHz millimeter wave (mmWave) radar. An experimental scale model setup was created in the lab to simulate a suspended ... -
Deep ArUco: AI/ML-based Real-Time Marker Pose Tracking
(Master thesis, 2022)Machine learning is commonly used in varoius types of machine vision. Convolutional neural network (CNN) are models that can be trained in different lighting, colors, changes and motion blur. This study generates data ... -
{Development of a mobile manipulator robot kit for educational purposes
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis focuses on designing, building, and developing a prototype of a mobile robot base for a manipulator mobile robot using the Robot Operating System (ROS) 2 as a part of a larger project conducted by the mechatronics ... -
Development of computer vision system to detect and identify flexible structures
(Master thesis, 2022)Development and implementation of end-to-end model-free 3D segmentation for industrial purposes -
Online Calibration Of Multiple Lidars
(Master thesis, 2022) -
Design, Modeling and Simulation of a Buffer and Injection Unit for Deep Sea Mining
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis presents a design of a buffer and injection unit used in deep sea mining. The design process has presented a promising concept, that has been validated through modeling and simulations. The main task for the ... -
Fractional-order controller design with partial pole-zero cancellation
(Master thesis, 2021) -
Design and stiffness evaluation of a parallel kinematic machine
(Master thesis, 2021)Available from 01/07/2026 -
Digital Twin of 3d Motion Compensated Gangway Use of Unity Game Engine and TwinCAT PLC Control for Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation
(Master thesis, 2021)This thesis presents the development, implementation, and testing of a digital twin representing a 3D compensated gangway located on a service operation vessel for wind farms The real-time simulator runs on a separate ...