Scientific Publications in Education
Recent Submissions
Under the table: Using video(de)creation to imagine gestures of political Child
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Centred around a one-minute short film of an everyday activity in a Norwegian early childhood education institution, this article will explore how thinking with video offers the ability to deconstruct and re-imagine ... -
Masteroppgaver innen forskningsbasert lærerutdanning i naturfag: Studenters og lærerutdanneres perspektiver
(Chapter, 2024)I denne studien undersøker vi naturfaglærerstudenters og naturfaglærerutdanneres syn på betydningen av masteroppgaven i forskningsbasert grunnskolelærerutdanning. Datamaterialet består av refleksjonsnotater fra studenter ... -
Boundary objects as a starting point for reflective learning in vocational education and training classrooms
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article examines the use of thematic assignments developed by vocational education and training (VET) teachers in Norway that focus on students’ work practices. In the Norwegian VET system, students attend two years ... -
Children’s participation when transitioning between early childhood education and care settings: potentials for readjusting institutional logics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Through exploring children’s transitions within Norwegian early childhood education and care (ECEC) institutions, this article highlights an interconnectedness of children’s knowledge of institutional logics and children’s ... -
Hvilke kompetanser tilfører førstelektorer og dosenter akademia?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Universiteter og høgskoler (UH) i Norge har to faglige karriereveier: Den tradisjonelle professorstigen og den særnorske dosentstigen. Selv om karriereløpene i prinsippet er likeverdige, så er professorveien langt bedre ... -
The relationship between sleep duration and physical activity level among Norwegian adolescents: a cross-sectional study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Background: Failure to adhere to sleep and physical activity recommendations among adolescents constitutes a public health problem. However, the associations between sleep duration and adolescents’ physical activity levels ... -
Enhancing school-based mentors’ professional practice Exploring 360° video and virtual reality as tools for self-observation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Observing oneself and one’s own practice on video is a powerful tool that mentors can use to further develop their skills. The purpose of this study is to explore how mentors experience using VR technology and 360° video ... -
Barnehagebasert kompetanseutvikling - ny eller velkjent arbeidsmåte i barnehagen?
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)I kapitlet sammenlignes fire velkjente arbeidsmåter for kompetanseutvikling i barnehagen med barnehagebasert kompetanseutvikling. Med utgangspunkt i kategoriene barnehagen som lærende organisasjon, strukturelle perspektiver, ... -
Teacher professionalism and Chapter 9 A. Factors of professional conduct in the enactment of a law on students' psychosocial environment
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The enactment of the revised Chapter 9 A of the Norwegian Education Act (2017) considerably strengthened students’ rights to a safe environment (Støen & Gutzwiller-Helfenfinger, 2023). The obligation to act that comes with ... -
Lek med håndbrekket på: en studie av lekens møte med målstyrt læringsaktivitet i første klasse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Artikkelen undersøker hva som skjer når lekens ustyrlige kraft rammes inn av målstyrt læringsaktivitet i første klasse. Studien er en etnografi fra over ett års feltarbeid i en barneskole i Norge. I lys av nyere lekteori ... -
Regional ordning for kompetanseutvikling i barnehagen - forventninger til de ulike aktørene.
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)I kapitlet analyseres en spørreundersøkelse utført av deltagere i Rekomp. Målet med undersøkelsen er å avklare forventninger praksisfeltet har til seg selv og UH-sektoren som aktører i Rekomp. I prosessen identifiserte vi ... -
The impact of professional development training on faculty’s integration of universal design for learning in daily teaching practices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Even though Inclusive Education (IE) is required both legally and socially, it is often not implemented in the day-to-day teaching practice of faculty in higher education (HE) institutions. Professional development (PD) ... -
Flexible learning spaces as an arena for developing professional digital competence through small group collaboration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Flexible technology-rich learning spaces such as Future Classroom Labs (FCL) have a large potential for developing teacher education (TE) students’ professional digital competence through engaging in authentic collaborative ... -
Menneskerettsopplæring som faglig innhold i fagområdet nærmiljø og samfunn : En eksplorerende studie om samfunnsfagdidaktiske utfordringer som kan oppstå når menneskerettsopplæring skal tilpasses barnehager.
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 506, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The purpose of this social studies didactic project is to contribute with insight into human rights education in a social studies context and with tools for didactic discussions about working with human rights education. ... -
Regional kompetanseutvikling i barnehager og skoler – muligheter og utfordringer
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)Vi som skriver dette kapitlet, er alle ansatt ved Universitet i Agder og deltar i regional kompetanseutvikling i barnehage og skole. Her diskuterer vi spørsmålet: Hvilke muligheter og utfordringer gir ordningen for utvikling ... -
Teacher identity in work with students' psychosocial environment: A systematic review of quantitative research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article is a contribution to understanding teacher identity related to working with students' psychosocial environment (PSE). A systematic review of quantitative studies (n = 10) analyzing the relations between ... -
The Complex Antecedents of Bystander Intentions in Higher Education Bullying
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 504, Doctoral thesis, 2024)In higher education, relational bullying among students is a prevalent concern encompassing complex social processes and affecting not only bullies and their targets but also uninvolved bystanders. These witnesses to ... -
Forskningstrender i norske doktorgradsavhandlinger innen barnehagefeltet: en litteraturgjennomgang fra 2012 til 2022
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Doktoravhandlinger er sentrale forskningsbidrag som kan videreutvikle kunnskap for barnehagefeltet. Hensikten med denne litteraturgjennomgangen er å få oversikt over trender innen barnehageforskning. Mer presist, hvilke ... -
Norwegian science teacher educators’ views of the master’s thesis and the supervision process
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The aim of this article is to investigate Norwegian science teacher educators’ views of the master’s thesis and the supervision process in connection with the recent change to five-year master’s programmes. Interviews with ... -
Introducing didactic perspectives to contemporary challenges
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)Didaktik seems to be the core of the professional practice of school teachers. In their day-to-day work, teachers refer to didactical knowledge and concepts that structure their teaching routines. The perspectives taken ...