Browsing Master's theses in Public Health Science by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 141
Selvopplevd helse og fysisk aktivitet : effekten av en tilpasset og (e)post basert fysisk aktivitetsintervensjon på selvopplevd helse blant fysisk inaktive voksne i alderen 40-55 år
(Master thesis, 2012)Background Physical inactivity is a leading risk factor for morbidity and mortality. The trend has become a major public health problem and burden on society, both economic and social are high. In order to monitor a ... -
Validering av et nettbasert frekvensspørreskjema : blant ungdom
(Master thesis, 2012)As a number of today's health problems are related to nutrition, expanded knowledge about nutrition is essential. The Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study aims at implementing a nutrition investigation among 13-14-year-old ... -
Usage and acceptance of Moringa stenopetala in the diet in Ethiopia
(Master thesis, 2012)Moringa stenopetala er en plante rik på antioksidanter, som muligens kan ha en forebyggende effekt på utviklingen av leverfibrose. Mål: Å finne ut hvordan Moringa stenopetala brukes i kostholdet i et område i Sør-Etiopia, ... -
Effekten av en tilpasset og kostnadseffektiv telefon- og (e)post-basert fysisk aktivitetsintervensjon på blodtrykk blant fysisk inaktive voksne i alderen 40-55 år : en randomisert kontrollert studie
(Master thesis, 2012)The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of a tailored and costeffective telephone and (e)mail based physical activity intervention on blood pressure in a group of inactive adults aged 40-55 years. ... -
Jakten på det gode øyeblikk : fokusgruppeintervju med ansatte om erfaringer med bruk av alternative og komplementære behandlingsmetoder i sykehjem
(Master thesis, 2013)Background: The number of patients diagnosed with dementia may double in the next 35 years. The health authorities meet the challenge with innovation and competence. Some nursing homes have started using alternative and ... -
High screen time is associated with unhealthy eating behavior,low levels of physical activity, delayed bedtime and poorer school performance among adolescents
(Master thesis, 2013)This present study aimed to (1) examine screen time among Norwegian adolescents in high schools in the south of Norway, and (2) investigate the relationship between screen time activity and physical activity level, meal ... -
Using the intervention mapping approach to develop a family-based childhood weight-management program : the FRISKUS project
(Master thesis, 2013)WHO classify obesity as one of the greatest public health challenges of the 21st century. In Norway 17% of the children aged 6-11 years are overweight or obese. This is of major concern, because childhood obesity is strongly ... -
"Frafall i kroppsøvingsfaget" : en kvalitativ analyse av 6 jenters erfaringer med frafall i kroppsøvingsfaget på yrkesfaglige studieretninger, med fokus på hva jentene oppgir som grunner til frafallet
(Master thesis, 2013)Mange jenter på yrkesfaglig studieretninger i videregående skole finner seg ikke til rette i kroppsøvingsfaget og møter ikke opp til timene. Studien kom som følge av en bekymringsmelding fra en videregående skole i Agder, ... -
Indoor air pollution in rural China; associated with lung function?
(Master thesis, 2013)Introduction: Approximately, half of the world population depends on biomass fuels as primary energy source. Indoor air pollutants are recently studied and considered as to be responsible for health burden in rural China. ... -
"Det fellesskapet du møtte hver gang på trening bidro til at du ville bli med på alt" : en kvalitativ studie om eldre menns erfaringer av å delta i en systematisk styrketrening
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: Today the elder live longer than earlier and as a result of the increase in life expectancy more people suffer from chronic disease. To accommodate the strong growth in population there has become an increased ... -
Validering av IPAQ kortversjon på gravide : hvordan er sammenhengen mellom selvrapportert fysisk aktivitetsnivå ved hjelp av IPAQ kortversjon og objektivt mål fysisk aktivitetsnivå ved hjelp av Sensewear armband hos gravide?
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: Physical activity promotes good health and involves a number of positive benefits through pregnancy. With this in mind it is therefore important to have good measuring methods of physical activity in order ... -
Sosial ulikhet i helse- folkehelseutfordring : en kvalitativ studie med fokus på psykisk helse
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: Social inequalities in health are a significant challenge in Norway. To meet these challenges, we need research that can give us better insight and understanding so that we have greater opportunity to prevent ... -
Lavt utdannelsesnivå blant foreldre er assosiert med et uregelmessig måltidsmønster og usunne kostholdsvaner blant ungdom
(Master thesis, 2014)The aim of the present study was to (1) examine meal frequency among Norwegian boys and girls between the ages of 15 and 17, and investigate the possible relation with educational level among their father and mother; and ... -
Idrettens bidrag til folkehelsen : hva er bakgrunn og formålet med Idrett Bergen sør sin samhandlingsmodell og hvordan gjennomføres den? Hva er effekten av tiltaket "Evig Aktiv" på de eldre deltakernes selvrapporterte opplevelse av helserelatert livskvalitet?
(Master thesis, 2014)Background: The coordination reform stats that to meet the future challenges in health, there needs to be made coordinated health care. There has been made a pilot model on how a volunteering organisation and the ... -
"En ny hverdag" : mødres opplevelse av hverdagen med et prematurt barn, og støtten ved en forsterket helsestasjon
(Master thesis, 2014)Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore how a child health centre, with expertise in premature infants, can improve how mothers manage their daily life with a preterm child. Background: Premature infants has ... -
Fysisk aktivitet i behandlingen av alvorlig psykisk syke i spesialisthelsetjenesten
(Master thesis, 2014)An increasing number of people are being treated for mental disorders in Norway. The sale of drugs, sick leave and the number of new disability pensions due to mental disorders increases. The aim of this study is to ... -
Crossfit i et folkehelseperspektiv : effekt av crossfit på fysisk form, kroppssammensetning, selvvurdert helse og motivasjon blant inaktive voksne.
(Master thesis, 2014)Introduction: Inactivity is a major public health challenge in today's society and it is important to find strategies on prevention. In Norway only 20% of the adult population meets the daily recommendations of 30 minutes ... -
Correlates of regular soft drink consumption and its relation to weight status of children in eight European countries : the energy-project
(Master thesis, 2014)The purpose of this master thesis is to assess the potential direct association between the assessed correlates and weight status, to assess the consumption of soft drinks as a mediator of these relationships, of children ...