Blar i Master's theses in Public Health Science på tittel
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"Alle skal med!" : en fenomenologisk hermeneutisk tilnærming til Pedalpigane
(Master thesis, 2014)Project Background My own observations of Pedalpigane and the fact that they recruit an unprecedented number of women to cycling drew my attention to examine what characterizes this particular club. Not only do they ... -
Alt er bare stress og press : Ungdommers erfaringer med å leve med langvarige smerter, en kvalitativ studie
(Master thesis, 2018)Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.07.2023 -
Appetitt og måltidsglede hos eldre - det lille som skal til
(Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Kostholdet spiller en viktig rolle for muligheten til å leve et aktivt liv med god helse, også når man blir eldre. Med økende alder skjer flere biologiske, sosiale og kognitive forandringer som kan gi økte ... -
The Association Between School Meal Offers and Well-being, Learning Culture, Motivation, and School Performance among Norwegian Secondary School Pupils
(Master thesis, 2021)Background While the relationship between diet and nutrition, and school performance has been explored in several studies, there is a lacking number of studies addressing the effect of organized school meals on pupils’ ... -
«Barna ble glemt i vår frykt og skam for smitte. Det er skam det!»
(Master thesis, 2023)Sammendrag Bakgrunn: Pandemier er et folkehelseproblem som kan ha store konsekvenser for individer i samfunnet. Hvordan myndighetene velger å håndtere pandemiene i form av politiske tiltak, kan også påvirke folkehelsa ... -
Betydningen av struktur for adferd i det kommunale folkehelsearbeidet : Hvilke faktorer er assosiert med kontaktmønsteret til norske folkehelsekoordinatorer?
(Master thesis, 2020)Background There’s been an increasing focus on the public health coordinators role in the local public health promotion since the public health law was passed in 2012, despite the increased focus there’s a lack of national ... -
Bidrar idrettsarenaen til et helsefremmende kosthold? : En analyse av måltidsmønster, mat- og drikkeinntak og identifisering av potensielle påvirkningsfaktorer for kostholdsvaner hos ungdom på en fotballturnering
(Master thesis, 2017)Background: Diet during adolescence is important for health in short and long term. The sports area is considered as a potential setting for creating a health promoting environment, since many adolescents are participating ... -
Brødbaking for bedre helse
(Master thesis, 2016)Introduction: Bread is a part of the Norwegian food culture and a important part of the Norwegian diet. However, the intake of fiber is too low and the health authorities recommend a higher intake of wholemeal bread and ... -
Brødbaking for bedre helse : en intervensjon for å fremme brødbaking hos studenter ved Universitetet i Agder, designet som en randomisert kontrollert studie
(Master thesis, 2016)Background: Students are challenged to make healthy and independent food choices. Unhealthy diets can increase the risk of non-communicable diseases, which constitutes a public health concern. Universities represents an ... -
Business Oriented Work Inclusion The Salutogenic approach to work inclusion through the LEIDA model: Illustrated by a case study
(Master thesis, 2024)Background: Unemployment is a public health challenge and contributes to widening the social health gap. As unemployment rates drop and the need for a more qualified workforce increases businesses face a challenge to find ... -
Byutvikling i et folkehelseperspektiv
(Master thesis, 2022)Denne masterstudien har fokus på ensomhetsproblematikken blant studenter i Norge, som særlig ble et økende problem under koronapandemien. Bakgrunnen for dette prosjektet ble dermed å belyse utfordringen gjennom å studere ... -
Can cycling with an E-bike improve fitness? : effect of access to an Electric Assisted Bicycle on cycling distance and cardiopulmonary fitness in inactive Norwegian adults.
(Master thesis, 2016)Background: The aims of the present study were to assess the effect of an eight-month intervention with access to an Electric assisted bicycle (E-bike) on (1) the amount of E-biking, (2) changes in cardiopulmonary fitness ... -
Changes in transportation habits to work in Norwegian parents between 2008 and 2018 : a repeated cross-sectional study
(Master thesis, 2019)Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.07.2024 -
Children ́s Active Commuting to School : Changes in Transportation Habits from 2008 to 2018?
(Master thesis, 2019)Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.07.2024 -
Children´s physical activity levels
(Master thesis, 2024)Abstract The complexity of determinates affecting children's physical activity levels remains largely unknown. However, previous research indicates a weak but positive association between parents´ and children's physical ... -
Children’s physical activity levels
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Kompleksiteten bak faktorer som påvirker barns fysiske aktivitetsnivå er i liten grad forsket på. Imidlertid indikerer tidligere forskning en svak, men positiv sammenheng mellom foreldres og barns fysiske ... -
Classification systems for ultra-processed foods: a systematic review
(Master thesis, 2024)Summary Background There has been increased attention on ultra-processed food (UPF) and its association with poor health. The widely used, classification system Nova, has faced criticism. Nova has been criticized for being ... -
Consumption of ultra-processed foods : an assessment of the literature on determinants of ultra-processed food consumption and an investigation of the potential effect of time scarcity
(Master thesis, 2016)Background Highly processed foods have been classified as ultra-processed, and consumption of such foodstuffs have expanded rapidly over the last decades. Ultra-processed foods are characterized as being accessible, ... -
Cooking for improved health
(Master thesis, 2015)Background/Aims: The fourth largest risk factor for non-communicable diseases and mortality is physical inactivity. Non-exercise activities, often light in intensity, are frequently grouped with sedentary behavior. This ... -
Correlates of regular soft drink consumption and its relation to weight status of children in eight European countries : the energy-project
(Master thesis, 2014)The purpose of this master thesis is to assess the potential direct association between the assessed correlates and weight status, to assess the consumption of soft drinks as a mediator of these relationships, of children ...