Blar i Scientific Publications in Psychososial Health på utgivelsesdato
Viser treff 1-20 av 156
Med skjønnlitteraturen som samtalepartner: Refleksjoner med utgangspunkt i figuren Siss i Tarjei Vesaas’ roman Is-slottet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004) -
Når det intime blir offentlig. Kvinners erfaringer med åpenhet om brystkreft
(Journal article, 2009) -
Effekter av systematisk opplæring i samtalepreget veiledning målt med en multippel basislinjedesign
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Det finnes få empiriske studier av om opplæring i samtalepreget veiledning har effekt i form av økte veiledningsferdigheter. På tross av manglende systematisk empiri, er opplæring i veiledning svært utbredt. I vår studie ... -
Child poverty in a Scandinavian welfare context - from children's point of view
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The focus for this article is child poverty in a Nordic welfare state context. With data from two qualitative studies from Sweden and Norway, we discuss child poverty from the children's point of view, in the framework of ... -
Den kritiske ettertanke : undersøkelser fra en avgått redaktør
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Denne artikkelen er en undersøkelse av Tidsskrift for psykisk helsearbeid i perioden 2004-2010. Undersøkelsen viser stor variasjon når det gjelder bidragsyternes utdannings- og erfaringsbakgrunn, og organisatorisk tilhørighet. ... -
Sensitivity to heat in MS patients: a factor strongly influencing symptomology -- an explorative survey
(Bmc Neurology;11, 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Background: Many individuals diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) are sensitive to increased body temperature, which has been recognized as correlating with the symptom of fatigue. The need to explore this association ... -
Internet-based mental health services in Norway and Sweden: characteristics and consequences
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Internet-based mental health services increase rapidly. However, national surveys are incomplete and the consequences for such services are poorly discussed. This study describes characteristics of 60 Internet-based mental ... -
Klassesamtaler som eksistensielt drama - der psykisk helse oppstår mellom oss
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)This article presents a qualitative study of a mental health promotion initiative at the interface between culture, health and education. In this initiative the aim is to facilitate conversations about various life issues ... -
Tvangsmedisinering som permanent unntakstilstand : Erfaringer fra feltarbeid
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Studien analyserer hvordan tvangsmedisinering praktiseres og oppleves av pasienter og ansatte. Den bygger på feltarbeid i en lukket akuttpsykiatrisk døgnenhet. Funnene oppsummeres i tre hovedpunkter: a) Både pasienter og ... -
New quality regulations versus established nursing home practice: a qualitative study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Background Western governments have initiated reforms to improve the quality of care for nursing home residents. Most of these reforms encompass the use of regulations and national quality indicators. In the Norwegian ... -
Er det for dyrt? Om barns deltakelse og valg av organiserte fritidsaktiviteter når familiens økonomi er svak
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)I denne artikkelen studerer jeg hva som styrer barn i lavinntektsfamiliers deltakelse i organiserte fritidsaktiviteter, i lys av økonomi og sosial kapital. Datamaterialet er fra den kvalitative delen av prosjektet; Barns ... -
Reaching out to people struggling with their lives. A discourse analysis of answers from Internet-based services in Norway and Sweden
(Journal article, 2012)The Internet has enlarged the scope of human communication, opening new avenues for connecting with people who are struggling with their lives. This article presents a discourse analysis of 101 responses to 98 questions ... -
Struggles for recognition: a content analysis of messages posted on the Internet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Background: The Internet has enlarged the possibilities of human communication and opened new ways of exploring perceptions of mental health. This study is part of a research project aiming to explore, describe, and analyze ... -
Reaching out to people struggling with their lives: a discourse analysis of answers from Internet-based services in Norway and Sweden
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The Internet has enlarged the scope of human communication, opening new avenues for connecting with people who are struggling with their lives. This article presents a discourse analysis of 101 responses to 98 questions ... -
Generating dialogical practices in mental health : experiences from southern Norway, 1998-2008
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)In Norway and many other countries, political guidelines prescribe the development of mental health strategies with both a service user's perspective and a treatment system established by the local authority. The development ... -
Return to work after vocational rehabilitation: Does mindfulness matter?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Purpose Mindfulness has become an important construct in return-to-work (RTW) rehabilitation. The aim of this study was to investigate whether mindfulness is a predictor for RTW, and to examine the indirect effect of ... -
“She offered me a place and a future” : change is an event of becoming through movement in Ethical Time and Space
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Within mental health research, the promise of exploring the lived experience of those affected is increasingly acknowledged. This research points to the significance of social aspects. The present study is part of a series ... -
Coercion in a locked psychiatric ward: Perspectives of patients and staff
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background: In spite of a national strategy for reducing coercion in the mental health services, Norwaystill has a high rate of involuntary treatment compared to other European countries. It is therefore crucial tostudy ... -
«Alle de som sitter her, har en ny mulighet»: Perspektiver på påvirkning og utvikling av fengslede i norske høysikkerhetsavdelinger
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015) -
Comparative ergonomic workflow and user experience analysis of MRI versus fluoroscopy-guided vascular interventions: an iliac angioplasty exemplar case study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)