Now showing items 372-391 of 506

    • Radio system for reliable data transfer 

      Hultgreen, Jim; Sivertsen, Rolf Inge (Master thesis, 2002)
      This thesis is a study of a radio system for reliable data transfer in the 433 MHz ISM frequency band. The objective was to express propagation models for two different topologies, and compare these to actual channel ...
    • Re-modelling the interaction design and structure of an online store 

      Bjerkeng, Lars-Otto (Master thesis, 2021)
      The development of new technologies during the last couple of years have resulted in a massive growth within e-commerce, and it has for many people become a part of their daily life. BBB system AS is a Norwegian company ...
    • Real time integrity control of operating systems 

      Mellem, Erik; Olsen, Frode (Master thesis, 2004)
      It can be critical if an intruder gains access to an operating system and modify files. To prevent this Norwegian Defence Research Establishment has proposed a thesis that it is possible to ...
    • A real time operating system for embedded platforms 

      Wroldsen, Torstein; Tveitane, Ståle (Master thesis, 2004)
      SDL (Specification and Description Language) is today widely used for description and development of complex systems. One of the major benefits of SDL is the possibility to graphically describe a complex system, as well ...
    • Real-Life Experiments based on IQRF IoT Testbed: From Sensors to Cloud 

      Zafar, Ridwan Bin (Master thesis, 2018)
      Internet of things (IoT) is the next generation internet technology which connects devices and objects intelligently to control data collected by diverse types of sensors, radio frequency identification and other physical ...
    • Real-time video transmission in UMTS 

      Hansen, Frode Ørbeck (Master thesis, 2001)
      Universal Mobile Telecommunication System is denoted as a 3rd cellular system and has been designed with the objective to be a system with global coverage. With the major improvement of in bandwidth capability the Universal ...
    • Recommending Services in Pervasive Environments 

      Olsen, Jan (Master thesis, 2010)
      The presence of mobile devices with network connectivity continues to increase in all parts of the world, opening up direct channels to mobile users. The threat of information overload is prevalent, and if not subjected ...
    • Relevance- and Aggregation-based Scheduling for Data Transmission in IEEE 802.15.4e IoT Networks 

      Subedi, Matrika; Ezennabuike, Nonso Japhet (Master thesis, 2017)
      Internet of thing (IoT) is regarded as a new communicating paradigm with Internet connectivity enabling embedded devices to interact with each other on a global scale. IoT has the potential to become the largest producer ...
    • Research on the impact of using interactive game based learning to teach mathematics 

      Fløtre, Daniel; Kristiansen, Erling; Heggernes, Jan (Master thesis, 2005)
      The number of students who study scientific subjects has continued to drop over a long period of time. Compared to 2004, there is a 12% decrease in High School students who study mathematics and a 5% decrease in applicants ...
    • Resource Discovery and Security in Distributed systems 

      Larsen, Line (Master thesis, 2007)
      To be able to access our files at any time and any where, we need a system or service which is free, has enough storage space and is secure. A centralized system can handle these challenges today, but does not have ...
    • Road Detection as a part of the Reward System for Reinforcement Learning-based Autonomous Cars 

      Holen, Martin (Master thesis, 2019)
      Human drivers are subject to numerous flaws. It is common that the driversget tired and lose control of the vehicle, and some even get drunk or high, whichresults in dangerous situations for themselves and others.Autonomous ...
    • Roaming mellom WLAN og UMTS : 3G håndholdt enhet som helsekommunikator 

      Singh, Pavneet; Ødegaarden, Kjetil (Master thesis, 2006)
      Oppdragsgiver i denne oppgaven er CARDIAC AS. CARDIAC leverer i dag en løsning til St. Olavs Hospital i Trondheim som tar seg av all internkommunikasjon på sykehuset. Dette innbefatter bl.a. telefoni, pasientsignalvarsling, ...
    • Role-based access control for wireless information systems 

      Brekka, Bjørnar; Kramer, Flemming (Master thesis, 2004)
      Role Based Access Control (RBAC) is an effective access control method for protecting information and resources in large information systems. It is used as a basis for security in medium and ...
    • Sammenkobling av lyd og visuelle effekter ved hjelp av datateknologi 

      Meier, Thomas (Master thesis, 2006)
      Sammenkobling av lyd og visuelle effekter kan man i dag se på diverse multimedieapplikasjoner. De applikasjonene som brukes i dag, bruker som regel metoder og algoritmer der man ser på frekvensene til et musikkstykke. ...
    • SCADA Intrusion Detection System Test Framework 

      Waagsnes, Henrik (Master thesis, 2017)
      Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems play an important role in our critical infrastructure (CI). Several of the protocols used in SCADA communication are old and lack of security mechanisms. This ...
    • Scenarios for Crisis in European Critical Energy Infrastructure 

      Li, Jing; Li, Pei (Master thesis, 2009)
      A sudden crisis occurrence, such as a big electricity cut, might not be regarded as an isolated incident: In almost all cases, a power outage crisis might bring about multiple losses with e.g. legal, social and economic ...
    • Seamless Hand-over Algorithm for Wireless Enterprise Networks 

      Hodnebrog, Gjermund; Jin, Qi (Master thesis, 2007)
      The mass deployment of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ (IEEE) 802.11 based wireless local area networks (WLAN) and increased sales in hand-held devices supporting WLAN have resulted in an urgent ...
    • Searchable Privacy-Enabled Information and Event Management Solution. 

      Seneger, Kristoffer T. (Master thesis, 2015)
      With network traffic proliferating over the last couple of decades, there is an increasing need to monitor security information in order to prevent and resolve network security threats. A Security Information and Event ...
    • Secure and scalable dataprocessing and communications for an Animal Tracking System 

      Johansen, Ynge Farbu; Vinningland, Øystein (Master thesis, 2003)
      Modern technology is constantly being employed in new fields, by new industries and people. The cost of advanced technological equipment decreases continously, and equipment that was reserved for people and corporations ...
    • Secure multi-party based cloud computing framework for statistical data analysis of encrypted data 

      Gardiyawasam Pussewalage, Harsha Sandaruwan; Ranaweera, P. Sashmal (Master thesis, 2013)
      Secure Multi-party Computation (SMC) is a paradigm used to accomplish a common computation among multiple users while keeping the data of each party secret from others. In recent years there has been a keen interest among ...