Blar i Master's theses in Information and Communication Technology på tittel
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Naive Bayes classier-based fire detection using smartphone sensors
(Master thesis, 2014)For many years, smoke detectors have been used as the most crucial _re detection sensors.Although smoke detectors do their job very well, they are not perfect and may causefalse or late alarms. This is because they only ... -
Nasjonal plattform for deling og utvikling av læremateriell
(Master thesis, 2006)Denne studien ser nærmere på nytten av en nasjonal plattform for deling og utvikling av læremateriell, og hvordan man slik kan dele læremateriell på en måte som gjør at flest mulig lærere får størst mulig utbytte av det. ... -
Neighbor and Service Discovery Protocols with Security Enhancement for Device-to-Device Communication in LTE{LTE-A Cellular Networks
(Master thesis, 2015)Device-to-Device (D2D) communication has become one of the most popular topic in the 5th generation (5G) mobile communication technology. D2D offers opportunities for access to services through direct neighbor device ... -
Neighbor discovery and resource allocation for device-to-device communication
(Master thesis, 2014)Device-to-Device (D2D) communication has attracted lots of attention as one of the most advanced wirelesscommunication technologies which allows access to services offered by nearby devices bypassing the BaseStation (BS). ... -
Nettverksprotokoll for et kortholdsradiokommunikasjonssystem basert på CC1010
(Master thesis, 2003)Chipcon AS har utviklet et CC1010 integrert kretskort. I den forbindelsen har Chipcon AS et ønske om å designe en nettverksprotokoll som vil basere seg på CC1010. En typisk applikasjon hvor en slik protokoll skal kunne ... -
Neuroevolution of Actively Controlled Virtual Characters
(Master thesis, 2017)Physics-based character animation offer an attractive alternative to traditional animation techniques, however, physics-based approaches often struggle to incorporate active user control of these characters. This thesis ... -
Noen aspekter ved implementasjon og ytelse for kryptosystemer basert på elliptiske kurver
(Master thesis, 2003)I den senere tid har kryptografi basert på elliptiske kurver blitt tatt i bruk i økende grad. De fleste av dagens implementasjoner baserer seg på kurver på Weierstrassform, y2z + a1xyz + a3yz2 = x3 + a2x2z + a4xz2 + a6z3. ... -
Non-contractual churn prediction using Hierarchical Temporal Memory
(Master thesis, 2018)As markets become more saturated and industry leaders compete over the existing customer base, competitors look for ways to improve customer retention with their customers. It is considered much more expensive to gain a ... -
Non-Wearable IoT-Empowered Real-Time Data Collection for Health Monitoring: Design and Implementation
(Master thesis, 2021)Available from 01/07/2026 -
A novel spatio-temporal scheme for reducing the rate of false positives in bloom filter based URL-caching
(Master thesis, 2010)Achieving efficient use of available resources is an important problem in the field of web mining. Monitoring and analyzing the web is extremely resource demanding, and therefore, more efficient use of resources often ... -
On Novel Variants of the Hierarchical Stochastic Searching on the Line
(Master thesis, 2012)Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.07.2017 -
On the Potential of Emerging Learning Technology Standards and Specifications to Enhance Learning Experience
(Master thesis, 2016)Emerging educational technologies had a significant impact on the learning environment. Nowadays, classrooms are no longer as simple as it used to be, like using chalks and blackboards. Lots of technologies (e.g. video ... -
On the use of Denoising Autoencoders and Deep Convolutional Adversarial Networks for Automated Removal of Date Stamps
(Master thesis, 2019)This thesis investigates to what extent the deep learning models such as DenoisingAutoencoder (DAE) and Deep Convolution General Adversarial Net (DCGAN)automate the removal of the date stamps from images with high resolution ... -
On-the-Fly Establishment of Multi-hop D2D Communication based on Android Smartphones and Embedded Platforms: Implementation and Real-Life Experiments
(Master thesis, 2015)(Konfidensiell til/confidential until 01.07.2020) -
Online failure prediction in UNIX systems
(Master thesis, 2011)This thesis investigates the possibility of enhancing an existing performance monitoring system for UNIX servers, by adding the capability of predicting upcoming failures, using generic UNIX operating system performance ... -
Ontological Modelling of FEST with support for DDI Reasoning
(Master thesis, 2017)FEST is a Norwegian database and information service aimed towards providing all the required pharmaceutical data to different stakeholders such as hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and practitioners. FEST being a ... -
Ontological representation of texts, and its applicationsin text analysis
(Master thesis, 2003)For the management of a company, the need to know what people think of their products or services is becoming increasingly important in an increasingly competitive market. As the Internet can nearly be described as a ... -
Ontology based study planning and classification of university subjects
(Master thesis, 2015)This is first and foremost a research project into study planning at the University of Agder. What tools are available for students now, and can an ontology help make it easier? Having a plan for your education is important, ... -
Ontology driven generation of tools for building and navigating knowledge bases
(Master thesis, 2004)Throughout the work of this thesis we have considered how to apply usability engineering to multiple different projects using their own ontologies. Reviews on existing applications similar to the Topic Map were made. The ... -
Ontology guided financial knowledge extraction from semistructured information sources
(Master thesis, 2003)Intermedium has an agent searching the Web for financial articles defined by certain criteria, for instance an industrial domain of interest. A portal service for reading and searching these articles, are available for ...