Browsing Master's theses in Information and Communication Technology by Title
Now showing items 219-238 of 508
Hand Gestures Recognition using Thermal Images
(Master thesis, 2021)Hand gesture recognition is important in a variety of applications, including medical systems and assistive technologies, human-computer interaction, human-robot interaction, industrial automation, virtual ... -
Handling of IP-Addresses in the Context of Remote Access
(Master thesis, 2008)For various reasons (e.g., security, lack of IPv4-addresses) the services in the home smart space only use private IP addresses. This is unfortunate in the remote service access since these addresses frequently appear ... -
Handling Relations in a Ubiquitous Computing Environments
(Master thesis, 2009)This thesis is submitted in partially fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master in ICT at Faculty of Engineering and Science at University of Agder, Grimstad, Norway. The Master project documented in this ... -
Handover i Mobil IP i fremtidens mobile Internett
(Master thesis, 1999)Denne rapporten omhandler en utredning av handover i Mobil IP og hvordan den kan forbedres slik at den er mer egnet til framtidens mobile Internett. Begrepet handover omfatter situasjonen som oppstår når en mobilnode ... -
A Help Desk tool for sporadically occurring inquiries. Based on Microsoft Outlook 2000 and Computas GTA.
(Master thesis, 1999)A help desk is intended to support inquiries from users of one or several systems. The help desk could act as an external service point to customers, just as well as an employee-based service. Because of the movement towards ... -
Hierarchical Fish Species Detection in Real-Time Video Using YOLO
(Master thesis, 2020)Information gathering of aquatic life is often based on time consuming methods with a foundation in video feeds. It would be beneficial to capture more information in a cost effective manner from video feeds, ... -
Human-Centered Design (HCD) of Personal Decision Support System (PDSS) for understandable individual health management, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning
(Master thesis, 2022)This project addressed the challenges of patients to comprehend typical information (e.g. in the form of ''doctor letters'' or ''patient journals'') about their health condition, and to get understandable and personalized ... -
Human-Centered Design (HCD) of Personal Decision Support System (PDSS) for understandable individual health management, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning
(Master thesis, 2022)This project addressed the challenges of patients to comprehend typical information (e.g. in the form of ''doctor letters'' or ''patient journals'') about their health condition, and to get understandable and personalized ... -
Human-Centered Design (HCD) of Personal Decision Support System (PDSS) for understandable individual health management, using Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning
(Master thesis, 2022)This project addressed the challenges of patients to comprehend typical information (e.g. in the form of ''doctor letters'' or ''patient journals'') about their health condition, and to get understandable and personalized ... -
Hybrid Neural Networks with Attention-based Multiple Instance Learning for Improved Grain and Yield Predictions
(Master thesis, 2022)Agriculture is a critical part of the world’s food production, being a vital aspect of all societies. Procedures need to be adjusted to their specific environment because of their climate and field condition disparity. ... -
Hybrid Neural Networks with Attention-based Multiple Instance Learning for Improved Grain Identification and Grain Yield Predictions
(Master thesis, 2022)Agriculture is a critical part of the world's food production, being a vital aspect of all societies. Procedures need to be adjusted to their specific environment because of their climate and field condition disparity. ... -
Identification of Irregularities in Salmon Fish in Aquaculture by Using Key Point Detection
(Master thesis, 2024)This project aims to deliver an AI-based solution to find out irregularities and deformities in farmed salmon fish by using Keypoint detection. -
Identification of Irregularities in Salmon Fish in Aquaculture by Using Key Point Detection
(Master thesis, 2024)This project aims to deliver an AI based solution to find out irregularities and deformities in farmed salmon fish by using Keypoint detection -
Identifying Geographic Terms within Natural Language Text
(Master thesis, 2008)The huge amount of textual data available in digital form in today’s world increases the need for methods that facilitate ease of access and navigability. Automatic extraction of keywords from text bodies is one promising ... -
Imitation Accelerated Q-learning on a Simulated Formula Student Driverless Racecar
(Master thesis, 2020)In the international Formula Student competition, only a handful compete in the driverless category. Most of them using expensive hardware such as LIDAR’s. By leveraging reinforcement learning, a cheaper camera based ... -
The impact of ZigBee in a biomedical environment
(Master thesis, 2005)The next generation of older people worldwide is predicted to reach 761 million by 2025, more than double what it was in 1990. During this century, for the very first time in human history the old will outnumber the young. ... -
Implementation Of An Autonomous Navigation Stack For UAVs In Tightly Closed Industrial Spaces
(Master thesis, 2022)Automation of industrial infrastructure inspection and surveillance became an integrated part of the new industrial environments in the age of the fourth industrial revolution and digital transformation; thus, the need to ... -
Implementation Of Reinforcement Learning To Solve Job-Shop Scheduling Problem
(Master thesis, 2024)The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) consists of allocating various tasks to distinct machines, each of which has a different sequence of operations. This thesis investigates the application of Reinforcement Learning ... -
Implementering av internettbasert pasientjournal i en helseinstitusjon
(Master thesis, 2007)Det utvikles stadig flere internettjenester som gir nye og bedre muligheter for kommunikasjon og utveksling av informasjon. Det norske helsevesen har merket en stor etterspørsel fra pasienter og helsepersonell etter ... -
Implementing and improving awareness in information security
(Master thesis, 2010)