Robust Regulation with an H_infinity Constrain for Linear Two-Time Scale Systems
Original version
Karimi, H. R. (2010). Robust Regulation with an H_infinity Constrain for Linear Two-Time Scale Systems 2010 IEEE International Conference on Control Applications Part of 2010 IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control Yokohama, Japan, September 8-10, 2010 (pp. 1975-1980): IEEE conference proceedings.Abstract
In this paper, the problem of robust multiobjective control design with an H_infinity constrain is studied for a class of linear two-time scale systems. The design is based on a new modelling approach under the assumption of normboundedness of the fast dynamics. In this method, a portion of the fast dynamics is treated as a norm-bounded perturbation in the design by its maximum possible gain. In this view, the problem of robust multi-objective control design is performed only for the certain dynamics of the two-time scale system, whose order is less than that of the original system. One illustrative example is used to demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach.
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