Ikke-Lineær Elementanalyse av Pipe-support Utsatt For Ulykkeslast
Offshore structures may be some of the most complex structures and are subjected to various and complex loads. Design of such structures is therefore off extreme importance toensure the safety of workers and the environment. This master thesis will reaserch the case ofblast loads and how to design pipe-support accordingly with the following reaserch question«How will different deisgn parameters effect the integrity of pipe-support structures subjectedto blast loads».To investigate this topic we have completed non-linear finite element analysis with use ofANSYS. The case we have chose for this analysis is a pipe-support subjected to load fromthe pipe system reacting to the blast. The direct blast load pressure has been neglected forthe pipe-support structure itself, since it has little effect on the overall integrity. The designparameters selected is local slenderness of column (B/t), thickness of profile wall (t), angleof load (θ) and length of column (L). Our findings suggest that local slenderness will impactthe structural integrity the most and is the leading factor. Low local slenderness gives highercapabilities for plastic behaviour before fracture. For thickness and length the results showlittle contribution to the factor, altough this may be caused by differences in simulationsand other uncertanties. Load angle show to have an effect where it is linear from 0 − 15◦and constant from 15 − 45◦. Furthermore it is shown that it is possible to generate factorsthat allow for 5%, 7.5% and 10% plastic strain. This is made possible due to the fact thatnon-linear analysis allow for plastic behaviour of the structure and gives a more realisticreplication. For further work it is recommended to do dynamic analysis to establish greaterrealistic simulations.