En affektiv og performativ ungdomskritikk
Original version
Pettersen, A. T. (2022). En affektiv og performativ ungdomskritikk. I L. Skregelid & K. N. Knudsen (Red.), Kunstens betydning? Utvidede perspektiver på kunst og barn & unge (Kap. 15, s. 343–359). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. https://doi.org/10.23865/noasp.163.ch15Abstract
What parts of the art experience are made visible in the criticism of it, and what criticism formats are available to youths? This article is informed by my own practice as a performing arts critic and is a theoretical exploration and selfstudy of an affective and performative criticism as well as a proposal for a possible critical practice for youths who attend performances at school. Theories of criticism, performative writing and affective spectatorship are used to discuss how the social, associative, affective as well as artistic aspects of attending a performance can be a part of a critical text or critical practice for youth.