Recent Submissions

  • No detection of tick-borne encephalitis virus RNA in blood, urine or saliva of hospitalised immunocompetent tick-borne encephalitis patients 

    Quarsten, Hanne; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine; Paulsen, Katrine Mørk; Diekmann, Maria Juul; Eikeland, Randi; Helleren, Rita; Bergström, Tomas; Noraas, Sølvi; Lorentzen, Åslaug Rudjord (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is usually diagnosed based on the presence of TBE virus (TBEV)-specific IgM and IgG antibodies in serum. However, antibodies induced by vaccination or cross-reactivity to previous flavivirus ...
  • Decisional needs and interventions for young women considering contraceptive options: an umbrella review 

    Müller De Bortoli, Marit; Kantymir, Sienna; Pacheco-Brousseau, Lissa; Dahl, Bente; Hansen, Elisabeth Holm; Lewis, Krystina B.; Zhang, Qian; Cole, Victoria; Westergren, Per Christer Thomas; Stacey, Dawn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Background: Although women face a wide range of contraceptive options, globally, young women are at risk of unintended pregnancies. Our umbrella review aimed to determine the decisional needs of nulligravida women aged 11 ...
  • Advanced Human Pose Estimation and Event Classification using Context-Aware Features and XGBoost Classifier 

    Wahid, Wasim; Alarfaj, Aisha Ahmed; Alabdulqader, Ebtisam Abdullah; Sadiq, Touseef; Rahman, Hameedur; Jalal, Ahmad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    This paper presents an advanced approach to Human Pose Estimation (HPE) and Semantic Event Classification (SEC), emphasizing the need for sophisticated human skeleton models, context-aware feature extraction, and machine ...
  • Enhancing Teamgym Performance with Power Training 

    Lindberg, Kolbjørn Andreas; Sødal, Hanne; Sjåvik, Marie Salterød; Bjørnsen, Thomas; Vårvik, Fredrik Tonstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
    Previous studies have highlighted a strong relationship between mechanical lower limb muscle function and TeamGym performance, specifically in terms of difficulty scores in trampette and tumbling disciplines. To date, no ...
  • Light-Driven Photocathodes in Li/Zn-O2 (air) Batteries: An Analytical Review, Technological Breakthroughs and Future Challenges 

    Hossain, Md Iftekher; Tareq, Foysal Kabir; Rudra, Souman (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)
    The rapid advancement of renewable energy technologies has intensified the demand for high-performance energy storage systems. Metal-O2 (air) batteries, specifically Li-O2 (air) and Zn-O2 (air) variants, present exceptional ...
  • Resilience Through Crisis Management Transitions: A process organization study of support information systems in public service, the case of social media analytics 

    Herrera, Lucia Castro (Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 519, Doctoral thesis, 2025)
    Despite the increased spread of mis-and disinformation, segmentation and polarization, social media is part of our day-to-day life and makes a compelling and cost-effective source of data that when processed continues to ...
  • Spin Dynamics in Antiferromagnetic Systems 

    Lund, Mike Alexander (Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 521, Doctoral thesis, 2025)
    This dissertation presents three research papers on spintronics-related effects. Two of the papers discuss dynamic spin phenomena in noncollinear antiferromagnets (NCAFMs). The third paper investigates the equilibrium ...
  • Latin-Amerika-norsk: Noen første observasjoner 

    Kinn, Kari; Stokka, Marie Lund; Pajaro, Veronica (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Norsk som arvespråk i USA og Canada, også kjent som amerikanorsk, er etforskningsfelt med lange tradisjoner. Norsk som arvespråk i andre konteksterer derimot nærmest ukjent terreng. Denne artikkelen presenterer noen første ...
  • A data-driven regression model for predicting thermal plant performance under load fluctuations 

    Prokhorskii, Gleb Vladimirovich; Rudra, Souman; Preißinger, Markus; Eder, Elias (Journal article, 2024)
    The global energy demand is still primarily reliant on fossil-fueled thermal power plants. With the growing share of renewables, these plants must frequently adjust their loads. Maintaining, or ideally increasing operational ...
  • Experiences and impact from participating in Education Support Program/ Education Support Unit 

    Hovland, Olav Johannes; Gundersen, Ellen Dahl; Johannessen, Berit (Research report, 2025)
    Education is a fundamental human right and an investment in human capital that benefits individuals, families, communities, and nations. It influences various aspects of life, including attitudes, behaviour, health, income, ...
  • A new model with uniform damping force for frictionless impacts with non-permanent deformation at the time of separation 

    Poursina, Mohammad; Nikravesh, Parviz E. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    This paper presents a new approach to modeling the contact force in continuous method of modeling an impact. This method considers the traditionally used Hertz spring force to represent the elastic behavior of the impact. ...
  • „Man sagt, dass er zu lange Mittagspausen nehmen würde“: Über Zeitbezug und Akzeptanz der Fügung würde + Infinitiv als Indikator für die indirekte Rede 

    Letnes, Ole (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2023)
    Die vorliegende Studie untersucht, mit einer Informantenbefragung als empirischer Basis, den Zeitbezug der Fügung würde + Infinitiv als Indirektheitskonjunktiv. Es wird nach möglichen Korrelationen zwischen dem Zeitbezug ...
  • Patients’ perceptions of use, needs, and preferences related to a telemedicine solution for HIV care in a Norwegian outpatient clinic: a qualitative study 

    Johnsen, Hege Mari; Øgård-Repål, Anita; Martinez, Santiago; Fangen, Kim; Aas, Kristin Bårdsen; Ersfjord, Ellen Margrete Iveland (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Background: Telemedicine in outpatient services for people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) was scaled up during the COVID-19 pandemic as services transitioned to remote care. Many studies have reported on ...
  • Phase transformation and electronic structure modulation of 1T-MoS2 with electronegative non-metal doping as anode material for enhanced potassium-ion battery 

    Tareq, Foysal Kabir; Hossain, Iftekhar; Rudra, Souman (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)
    The scarcity and high cost of lithium resources drive the search for sustainable alternatives, positioning potassium-ion batteries (KIBs) as promising energy storage solutions due to the natural abundance and advantageous ...
  • Influence of Atomizing Gas Pressure on Microstructure and Properties of Nickel Silicide Intended for Additive Manufacturing 

    Ibrahim, Mohammad; Gobber, Federico Simone; Hulme, Christopher; Grasmo, Geir; Aune, Ragnhild Elizabeth (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Nickel silicides are crucial in advanced technology applications ranging from semiconductor devices to high-temperature materials. Gas atomization is a process that involves the formation of fine liquid droplets and their ...
  • Under the table: Using video(de)creation to imagine gestures of political Child 

    Menning, Soern Finn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Centred around a one-minute short film of an everyday activity in a Norwegian early childhood education institution, this article will explore how thinking with video offers the ability to deconstruct and re-imagine ...
  • Exposure and connectedness to natural environments: An examination of the measurement invariance of the Nature Exposure Scale (NES) and Connectedness to Nature Scale (CNS) across 65 nations, 40 languages, gender identities, and age groups 

    Swami, Viren; White, Mathew P.; Voracek, Martin; Tran, Ulrich S.; Aavik, Toivo; Ranjbar, Hamed Abdollahpour; Adebayo, Sulaiman Olanrewaju; Afhami, Reza; Ahmed, Oli; Aimé, Annie; Akel, Marwan; Al Halbusi, Hussam; Alexias, George; Ali, Khawla F.; Alp-Dal, Nursel; Alsalhani, Anas B.; Álvarez-Solas, Sara; Soares Amaral, Ana Carolina; Andrianto, Sonny; Aspden, Trefor; Argyrides, Marios; Aruta, John Jamir Benzon R.; Atkin, Stephen; Ayandele, Olusola; Baceviciene, Migle; Bahbouh, Radvan; Ballesio, Andrea; Barron, David; Bellard, Ashleigh; Bender, SóleySesselja; Beydaǧ, Kerime Derya; Birovljević, Gorana; Blackburn, Marie-Ève; Borja-Alvarez, Teresita; Borowiec, Joanna; Bozogáňová, Miroslava; Bratland-Sanda, Solfrid; Browning, MatthewH.E.M.; Brytek-Matera, Anna; Burakova, Marina; Çakır-Koçak, Yeliz; Camacho, Pablo; Camilleri, Vittorio Emanuele; Cazzato, Valentina; Cerea, Silvia; Chaiwutikornwanich, Apitchaya; Chaleeraktrakoon, Trawin; Chambers, Tim; Chen, Qing-Wei; Chen, Xin; Chien, Chin-Lung; Chobthamkit, Phatthanakit; Choompunuch, Bovornpot; Compte, Emilio J.; Corrigan, Jennifer; Cosmas, Getrude; Cowden, Richard G.; Czepczor-Bernat, Kamila; Czub, Marcin; Roberto da Silva, Wanderson; Dadfar, Mahboubeh; Dalley, Simon E.; Dany, Lionel; Datu, Jesus Alfonso D.; Berbert de Carvalho, Pedro Henrique; Lins de Holanda Coelho, Gabriel; De Jesus, Avila Odia S.; Debbabi, Sonia Harzallah; Dhakal, Sandesh; Di Bernardo, Francesca; Dimitrova, Donka D.; Dion, Jacinthe; Dixson, Barnaby; Donofrio, Stacey M.; Drysch, Marius; Du, Hongfei; Dzhambov, Angel M.; El-Jor, Claire; Enea, Violeta; Eskin, Mehmet; Farbod, Farinaz; Farrugia, Lorleen; Fian, Leonie; Fisher, Maryanne L.; Folwarczny, Michał; Frederick, David A.; Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, Matthew; Furnham, Adrian; García, Antonio Alías; Geller, Shulamit; Ghisi, Marta; Ghorbani, Alireza; Gomez Martinez, Maria Angeles; Gradidge, Sarah; Graf, Sylvie; Grano, Caterina; Gyene, Gyöngyvér; Hallit, Souheil; Hamdan, Motasem; Handelzalts, Jonathan E.; Hanel, PaulH.P.; Hawks, Steven R.; Hekmati, Issa; Helmy, Mai; Hill, Tetiana; Hina, Farah; Holenweger, Geraldine; Hřebíčková, Martina; Ijabadeniyi, Olasupo Augustine; Imam, Asma; İnce, Başak; Irrazabal, Natalia; Jankauskiene, Rasa; Jiang, Ding-Yu; Jiménez-Borja, Micaela; Jiménez-Borja, Verónica; Johnson, Evan M.; Jovanović, Veljko; Jović, Marija; Jović, Marko; Pereira Junqueira, Alessandra Costa; Kahle, Lisa-Marie; Kantanista, Adam; Karakiraz, Ahmet; Karkin, Ayşe Nur; Kasten, Erich; Khatib, Salam; Khieowan, Nuannut; Kimong, Patricia Joseph; Kiropoulos, Litza; Knittel, Joshua; Kohli, Neena; Koprivnik, Mirjam; Kospakov, Aituar; Król-Zielińska, Magdalena; Krug, Isabel; Kuan, Garry; Kueh, Yee Cheng; Kujan, Omar; Kukić, Miljana; Kumar, Sanjay; Kumar, Vipul; Lamba, Nishtha; Lauri, Mary Anne; Laus, Maria Fernanda; LeBlanc, Liza April; Lee, Hyejoo J.; Lipowska, Małgorzata; Lipowski, Mariusz; Lombardo, Caterina; Lukács, Andrea; Maïano, Christophe; Malik, Sadia; Manjary, Mandar; Baldó, Lidia Márquez; Martinez-Banfi, Martha; Massar, Karlijn; Matera, Camilla; McAnirlin, Olivia; Mebarak, Moisés Roberto; Mechri, Anwar; Filgueiras Meireles, Juliana Fernandes; Mesko, Norbert; Mills, Jacqueline; Miyairi, Maya; Modi, Ritu; Modrzejewska, Adriana; Modrzejewska, Justyna; Mulgrew, Kate E.; Myers, Taryn A.; Namatame, Hikari; Nassani, Mohammad Zakaria; Nerini, Amanda; Neto, Félix; Neto, Joana; Neves, Angela Nogueira; Ng, Siu-Kuen; Nithiya, Devi; O, Jiaqing; Obeid, Sahar; Oda-Montecinos, Camila; Olapegba, Peter Olamakinde; Olonisakin, Tosin Tunrayo; Omar, Salma Samir; Örlygsdóttir, Brynja; Özsoy, Emrah; Otterbring, Tobias; Pahl, Sabine; Panasiti, Maria Serena; Park, Yonguk; Patwary, Muhammad Mainuddin; Pethö, Tatiana; Petrova, Nadezhda; Pietschnig, Jakob; Pourmahmoud, Sadaf; Prabhu, Vishnunarayan Girishan; Poštuvan, Vita; Prokop, Pavol; Ramseyer Winter, Virginia L.; Razmus, Magdalena; Ru, Taotao; Rupar, Mirjana; Sahlan, Reza N.; Hassan, Mohammad Salah; Šalov, Anđela; Sapkota, Saphal; Sarfo, Jacob Owusu; Sawamiya, Yoko; Schaefer, Katrin; Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Michael; Seekis, Veya; Selvi, Kerim; Sharifi, Mehdi; Shrivastava, Anita; Siddique, Rumana Ferdousi; Sigurdsson, Valdimar; Silkane, Vineta; Šimunić, Ana; Singh, Govind; Slezáčková, Alena; Sundgot-Borgen, Christine; Hoor, Gill Ten; Tevichapong, Passagorn; Tipandjan, Arun; Todd, Jennifer; Togas, Constantinos; Tonini, Fernando; Tovar-Castro, Juan Camilo; Trangsrud, Lise Katrine Jepsen; Tripathi, Pankaj; Tudorel, Otilia; Tylka, Tracy L.; Uyzbayeva, Anar; Vally, Zahir; Vanags, Edmunds; Vega, Luis Diego; Vicente-Arruebarrena, Aitor; Vidal-Mollón, Jose; Vilar, Roosevelt; Villegas, Hyxia; Vintilă, Mona; Wallner, Christoph; Whitebridge, Simon; Windhager, Sonja; Wong, Kah Yan; Yau, Eric Kenson; Yamamiya, Yuko; Lan Yeung, Victoria Wai; Zanetti, Marcelo Callegari; Zawisza, Magdalena; Zeeni, Nadine; Zvaríková, Martina; Stieger, Stefan (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Detachment from nature is contributing to the environmental crisis and reversing this trend requires detailed monitoring and targeted interventions to reconnect people to nature. Most tools measuring nature exposure and ...
  • Going remote in general practice: Investigating the transformation of healthcare delivery enabled by remote consultations 

    Wanderås, Magnus (Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder; 522, Doctoral thesis, 2025)
    The background for this PhD project is the substantial increase in the use of remote consultations (RCs) – video, telephone, and asynchronous text-based e-consultations – that took place in general practice in the aftermath ...
  • DE-PASS Best Evidence Statement (BESt): Determinants of self-report physical activity and sedentary behaviours in children in settings: A systematic review and meta-analyses 

    Ling, Fiona C M; Khudair, Mohammed; Ng, Kwok; Tempest, Gavin D.; Peric, Ratko; Bartoš, František; Maier, Maximilian; Brandes, Mirko; Carlin, Angela; Ciaccioni, Simone; Cortis, Cristina; Corvino, Chiara; Di Credico, Andrea; Drid, Patrik; Gallè, Francesca; Izzicupo, Pascal; Jahre, Henriette; Kolovelonis, Athanasios; Kongsvold, Atle; Kouidi, Evangelia; Mork, Paul Jarle; Palumbo, Federico; Rumbold, Penny L S; Sandu, Petru; Stavnsbo, Mette; Syrmpas, Ioannis; Vilela, Sofia; Woods, Catherine; Wunsch, Kathrin; Capranica, Laura; MacDonncha, Ciaran; Marcuzzi, Anna (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Previous physical activity interventions for children (5-12yrs) have aimed to change determinants associated with self-report physical activity behaviour (PAB) and/or sedentary behaviour (SB), however, the associations ...
  • Religious Diversity in Lombok: Peaceful Coexistence or Minorities at Risk? 

    Budiwanti, Erni; Eidhamar, Levi Geir (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)
    Ethnic Sasak Sunni Muslims make up the overwhelming majority on the Indonesian island of Lombok. Balinese Hindus, who have cultural similarities with the Muslim Sasaks, make up 3%. They have a long history on the island. ...

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