Publikasjoner fra CRIStin
Recent Submissions
Assessing road construction effects on turbidity in adjacent water bodies using Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Road construction significantly affects water resources by introducing contaminants, fragmenting habitats, and degrading water quality. This study examines the use of Remote Sensing (RS) data of Sentinel-1 (S1) and Senitnel-2 ... -
Co-singing in families living with dementia
(Chapter, 2022)The incidence of dementia is increasing rapidly, and a growing number of persons with dementia live in their private homes, even in stages of severe dementia. Therefore, persons with dementia and their relatives could ... -
Early Music in an Interdisciplinary Artistic Production: The Project Pluvinel's Academy
(Chapter, 2022)This chapter explores the previously completed interdisciplinary performance project Pluvinel’s Academy by investigating the production process, aesthetic dimensions and educational relevance. Early music repertoires and ... -
Preliminary Evaluation of Nickel Silicide (NiSi12-wt%) Laser Cladding for Enhancing Microhardness and Corrosion Resistance of S355 Steel
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)S355 construction steel, a commonly used mild steel due to its exceptional strength, is prone to environmental degradation, especially pitting corrosion in highly corrosive marine environments. To address this vulnerability, ... -
Isolating Coefficient-Based Framework to Recognize Influential Nodes in Complex Networks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Identifying influential nodes within complex networks holds significant importance for enhancing network resilience and understanding vulnerabilities, thereby providing insights for both theoretical exploration and practical ... -
The Municipal CEO in The Nordic Welfare State
(Chapter, 2024)This book analyses the municipal chief executive officer (MCEO) of Nordic municipalities. The Nordic countries operate a distinct model of local government in the context of the welfare state. As there are some variations ... -
Masteroppgaver innen forskningsbasert lærerutdanning i naturfag: Studenters og lærerutdanneres perspektiver
(Chapter, 2024)I denne studien undersøker vi naturfaglærerstudenters og naturfaglærerutdanneres syn på betydningen av masteroppgaven i forskningsbasert grunnskolelærerutdanning. Datamaterialet består av refleksjonsnotater fra studenter ... -
Bayesian estimation of spatially varying mortality risk using tagged animal data
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The survival of animals is impacted by landscapes of spatially varying mortality factors including habitat type, predation risk or harvest risk, among others. Characterization of these spatial mortality processes is important ... -
Substitutional electronegative element defects-induced modification of silicene's electronic structures as high-performance cathode material for water splitting
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2025)The growing global energy demands, and environmental concerns underscore the need for innovative green and sustainable energy conversion technologies. Water splitting, an advanced method for green hydrogen production, ... -
The Triple Bottom Line Co-Creation Canvas
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)By adopting digital technologies, SMEs can potentially improve their financial performance by increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and reaching new markets. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), such investments ... -
Hyperspectral Identification of Milk Adulteration Using Advance Deep Learning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Food adulteration poses significant health risks globally and is rigorously monitored by safety authorities. In developing nations, where milk is highly prone to contamination (with Brazil, India, China, and Pakistan ... -
Need-supportive leadership behaviors and sickness absence among employees: The mediating role of basic psychological need satisfaction
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Research exploring relationships between leadership behaviors and sickness absence is scarce. Grounded in self-determination theory (SDT), the present study examined: (i) the relationship between need-supportive leadership ... -
Effect of a personalized intensive dietary intervention on base excision repair (BER) in colorectal cancer patients: Results from a randomized controlled trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)DNA repair is essential to maintain genomic integrity and may affect colorectal cancer (CRC) patients’ risk of secondary cancers, treatment efficiency, and susceptibility to various comorbidities. Bioactive compounds ... -
Preparing for downstream tasks in artificial intelligence for dental radiology: a baseline performance comparison of deep learning models
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Objectives: To compare the performance of the convolutional neural network (CNN) with the vision transformer (ViT), and the gated multilayer perceptron (gMLP) in the classification of radiographic images of dental structures. ... -
Churches’ online ministries as strategic communication
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)This article discusses the practices of Christian churches’ online ministries as acts of strategic communication, where the congregants’ needs and expectations are met, in a competitive market, without compromising the ... -
Which Diversity? Expanding the Gap Model of Disability for Digital Information Systems
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this paper, we extend the gap model of disability that supports digital equipment and cyber-physical situational variations. We explore an alternative approach to visualizing and understanding disability that takes into ... -
Utforskning av mentorordningen ved et kommunalt, langtids rehabiliteringstilbud for mennesker med rusmiddelavhengighet – en kvalitativ studie
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)I denne studien undersøkte vi erfaringer med en mentorordning blant beboere i rehabilitering for rusmiddelavhengighet i en kommunal kontekst, med et spesielt fokus på betydningen av det å være mentor for egen bedringsprosess. ... -
Boundary objects as a starting point for reflective learning in vocational education and training classrooms
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article examines the use of thematic assignments developed by vocational education and training (VET) teachers in Norway that focus on students’ work practices. In the Norwegian VET system, students attend two years ... -
Children’s participation when transitioning between early childhood education and care settings: potentials for readjusting institutional logics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Through exploring children’s transitions within Norwegian early childhood education and care (ECEC) institutions, this article highlights an interconnectedness of children’s knowledge of institutional logics and children’s ... -
Rethinking participation in urban planning: analytical and practical contributions of social network analysis
(Journal article, 2025)Citizen participation is essential in urban development, but existing participation methods often neglect the complex informal relationships among stakeholders, limiting broader engagement. This study uses a narrative ...