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dc.contributor.advisorDhir Amandeep
dc.contributor.authorMarova Netsai
dc.description.abstractThis dissertation is devoted to providing an in-depth analysis of greenwashing tactics within the sphere of B2B interactions. Greenwashing, a deceitful practice involving falsified environmental declarations by businesses, is the core focus of this study. The research utilizes stakeholder theory as its theoretical framework, capitalizing on a web-based, open-ended questionnaire to collect substantive qualitative data from a diverse group of B2B stakeholders. The study employs grounded theory as the cornerstone of its data examination, thus enabling the creation of theoretical structures that are directly rooted in the data. The research seeks to understand the triggers, tactics, and aftereffects of greenwashing within B2B relations. It delves into the basic motivations and expectations that compel companies to partake in greenwashing and scrutinizes the problems they encounter. The study spotlights major hurdles pertaining to transparency, trustworthiness, information disparity, and stakeholder anticipations within the B2B realm. Upon evaluation of the survey responses, the research unveils critical revelations concerning the workings of greenwashing within B2B engagements. It brings to light varied motivations behind greenwashing, such as reputation enhancement, attaining a competitive edge, and compliance with industry standards. The results underscore the hardships businesses encounter during greenwashing and offer potential solutions for bypassing or mitigating these issues. This research augments existing knowledge by expanding our comprehension of the operations of greenwashing within a B2B framework. It offers theoretical advancements by using grounded theory to create theoretical structures derived from qualitative data. The real- world ramifications of this study propose tactics for businesses to cultivate transparency, establish verification protocols, involve stakeholders, and advance legitimate sustainability practices within B2B associations. By procuring a comprehensive comprehension of greenwashing in B2B scenarios, this study can offer valuable insights to businesses, policy implementers, and stakeholders about the intricacies and repercussions of greenwashing practices. The outcomes can guide initiatives aimed at endorsing responsible and transparent sustainability practices, reducing greenwashing, and ultimately fostering more sustainable and ethical B2B exchanges. Keywords: Greenwashing, Sustainability, Business-to-Business (B2B), Stakeholder Theory.
dc.publisherUniversity of Agder
dc.titleGreenwashing in Business to Business (B2B) Context. Prevalence, Motives, Risks and Mitigation Strategies
dc.typeMaster thesis

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