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dc.contributor.advisorDmitry Vysochinskiy
dc.contributor.authorDitløv, Ole Andreas
dc.contributor.authorAntonsen, Gøran Meisler
dc.description.abstractThis report is the result of Master’s Thesis at University of Agder, and mark the final subject for obtaining the degree Master of Science in the field of Civil and Structural Engineering. The report takes a close look at the use of composite structures in a multi residential building. The building is already built, with a conventional loadbearing system, containing of concrete slabs on steel beams. The goal for this work was to figure out if there could’ve been any benefits regarding material usage if this building was constructed with composite solutions. This led to our research question: How is the connection between a concrete slab and steel beam affected when you make it a composite structure? Changes in capacity between composite and regular connections was evaluated using the rules and recommendations from Eurocode 0 through 4. The Eurocodes were also used in designing the connection. And Solidworks Simulation was used to do a finite element analysis on how the stresses in the structural parts behaved. The increased capacity of the composite section between the concrete slab and steel beam, made it possible to reduce the steel beam from a HEA200 to a HEA100. Even including the shear connectors, the HEA100 ended up being only about half the amount of volume of steel compared to the HEA200. There is no doubt that this might be a beneficial factor, but the need for extra work with detailing and extra work on site due to more reinforcement has to be included in the evaluation. This has not been part of the work with this report.
dc.publisherUniversity of Agder
dc.titleStålbjelke og hulldekkeelementer i samvirkekonstruksjon
dc.typeMaster thesis

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