Now showing items 41-60 of 153

    • Herdeteknologi - modellering av betonges temperatur - og fasthetsutvikling 

      Shah Mahmoud, Baryalay; Miri, Jawid; Karimi, Mohammad Hassan (Master thesis, 2023)
      For many years, Heidelberg Materials Cement Norway has offered the Norwegian concrete market the curing technology software HETT97. This software is a planning tool for simulating temperature and strength development in ...
    • Overvatn som ressurs 

      Brandsar, Øystein (Master thesis, 2023)
      This master's thesis has explored the concept of stormwater as a resource in the context of planning processes. The aim was to investigate how stormwater is perceived, managed, and evaluated within the framework of planning ...
    • Bestandighetsegenskapene til hvit betong sammenlignet med grå betong i tilsvarende fasthetsklasse Forsøk av fryse/tine-nedbrytning med avisingssalter. 

      Sundklakk, Julianne (Master thesis, 2023)
      The basis of this master thesis is the new planned «Knubben» harbor bath in Arendal. The architects from Snøhetta had decided to build the construction in white concrete. White concrete is curently a material that is not ...
    • Effect of different silica fume on concrete properties: Comparative testing and analysis 

      Midtun, Tone N (Master thesis, 2023)
      Concrete, as the world’s most widely used construction material, contributes significantly to climate change due to emissions generated during cement production. The industry has set ambitious goals to achieve carbon-neutral ...
    • Pyrolyse i avløpshåndtering og utvinning av biokull 

      Lindqvist, Ingrid Marie Skaug (Master thesis, 2023)
      This thesis has investigated if pyrolysis is a sustainable solution for the treatment of sewage sludge for Horten Municipality. Separate laboratory experiments and literature research was executed to answer the research ...
    • Bruken av 3D-laserskanning i produksjonen av bygg 

      Mæhle, Herman Alexander; Helberg, Andreas Kolås (Master thesis, 2023)
      The construction industry has vast potential for improving productivity and efficiency, and in the era of Construction 4.0 the spotlight has been put on the integration of state-of-the-art digital technologies and automation ...
    • Bruken av 3D-laserskanning i produksjon av bygg 

      Helberg, Andreas Kolås; Mæhle, Herman Alexander (Master thesis, 2023)
      The construction industry has vast potential for improving productivity and efficiency, and in the era of Construction 4.0 the spotlight has been put on the integration of state-of-the-art digital technologies and automation ...
    • Digitalization in the building and construction industry 

      Kazimi, Anisa; Noori, Roya (Master thesis, 2023)
      The building and construction industry is one of the least digitalized industries globally. One of the reasons for the mentioned statement is due to the industry being conservative and maintaining traditional methods rather ...
    • Digitalization in the building and construction industry 

      Kazimi, Anisa; Noori, Roya (Master thesis, 2023)
      The building and construction industry is one of the least digitalized industries globally. One of the reasons for the mentioned statement is due to the industry being conservative and maintaining traditional methods rather ...
    • Stålbjelke og hulldekkeelementer i samvirkekonstruksjon 

      Antonsen, Gøran Meisler; Ditløv, Ole Andreas (Master thesis, 2023)
      The work with this project is the result of the Master’s Thesis at University of Agder, and mark the final subject for obtaining the degree Master of Science in the field of Civil and Structural Engineering. The report ...
    • Stålbjelke og hulldekkeelementer i samvirkekonstruksjon 

      Ditløv, Ole Andreas; Antonsen, Gøran Meisler (Master thesis, 2023)
      This report is the result of Master’s Thesis at University of Agder, and mark the final subject for obtaining the degree Master of Science in the field of Civil and Structural Engineering. The report takes a close look ...
    • Håndtering av overvann for et næringsområde 

      Ekra, Bjørnar Hovstad (Master thesis, 2023)
      This is a Master ́s Thesis that is a part of the Civil and Structural Engineering, Master's Programme. The Master ́s Thesis has the subject code BYG508. With a changing climate and development that will continue, it ...
    • Visuell programmering ved design av fagverk i tre 

      Helleland, Margunn; Strømsnes, Dan Helland (Master thesis, 2023)
      This master thesis deals with the use of visual programming and parametric design. The aim is to determine whether this can make the traditional process for structural design more efficient (for wooden structures). The ...
    • Overvann i praksis og lovverk 

      Utbøen, Martin (Master thesis, 2023)
      This master’s thesis intends to investigate the municipal practice for storm water management in Norway. The following main research question is defined, in order to research this phenomenon: “What is the municipal practice ...
    • Planleggingspraksis i byggeprosjekter 

      Straume, Torbjørn (Master thesis, 2023)
      This report is a master thesis, written in the fourth and last semester of the civil engineer program at the University of Agder. The master thesis studies and explores the current planning process in construction projects, ...
    • Evaluering av gjennomførte prosjekter 

      Gengatharan, Dilip; Wilson Uthayathas, Winhojan (Master thesis, 2023)
      Dette er masteroppgave som tar for seg problemstillingen “Hvordan man oppnå bedre samsvar mellom planlegging og produksjon av veibygging? “. For å besvare dette forskerspørsmålet har det blitt formulert fem underspørsmål ...

      YONAS TSIGHE GHEBREHIWET (Master thesis, 2023)
      This master thesis studies about how the sheet pile walls resist the lateral earth pressures on slope area. Sheet pile walls are one type of construction elements that are built by a continuous interlocking of pile ...
    • Design and analysis of a shared mooring system for a dual-spar floating offshore wind farm 

      Al-Abtah, Mohammad Ali (Master thesis, 2023)
      In order to lower mooring costs, this master's thesis examines the technical and economic feasibility of a shared mooring system for a dual-spar Floating Offshore Wind Farm (FOWF) in the North Sea area. The suggested ...
    • Evaluering av gjennomførte prosjekter 

      Gengatharan, Dilip; Uthayathas, Winhojan Wilson (Master thesis, 2023)
      Dette er masteroppgave som tar for seg problemstillingen “Hvordan man oppnå bedre samsvar mellom planlegging og produksjon av veibygging? “. For å besvare dette forskerspørsmålet har det blitt formulert fem underspørsmål ...
    • Visuell programmering ved design av fagverk i tre 

      Strømsnes, Dan Helland; Helleland, Margunn (Master thesis, 2023)
      This master thesis deals with the use of visual programming and parametric design. The aim is to determine whether this can make the traditional process for structural design more efficient (for wooden structures). The ...