Temperature coefficients of compensated silicon solar cells - influence of ingot position and blend-in-ratio
Original version
Berthod, C., Strandberg, R. & Odden, J.O.: Temperature Coefficients of Compensated Silicon Solar Cells – Influence of Ingot Position and Blend-in-ratio. Energy Procedia, 77(0), 15-20, doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.004Abstract
Solar-grade silicon made from a metallurgical route presents boron and phosphorus compensation. Earlier work has shown that cells made from such material produce more energy than reference polysilicon modules when the temperature and irradiance is high. In the present study, solar cells from two different ingots with different blend-in-ratios were made from wafers at varying ingot heights in order to investigate how the temperature coefficients vary with compensation level and ingot height. The results suggest that solar modules made with solar cells from different ingot heights will perform differently at high temperature. It was also observed that the compensation level seems to have a smaller impact on the temperature coefficients than the ingot height.
Published version of an article in the journal: Energy Procedia. Also available on Science Direct: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.004