Matematikklærere om programmering : En studie av læreres vurdering av hvordan materiell og innsikt fra super:bit skole kan være nyttig i egen undervisning
Original version
Aas, C. (2020) Matematikklærere om programmering : En studie av læreres vurdering av hvordan materiell og innsikt fra super:bit skole kan være nyttig i egen undervisning (Master's thesis). University of Agder, Kristiansand.Abstract
The background of this master thesis is the new curriculum, where programming will be included in mathematics. The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training has through the initiative of the “Den teknologiske skolesekken” allocated funds for the project named super:bit. The aim of super:bit is to increase the students and teachers’ competence in programming.I have operated with two research questions during the work with this thesis:1) How do mathematicsteachers considersuper:bit?2) In what way do the teachers who participated in super:bit,use theirinsights and material in their own teaching?In thisthesis, qualitative and quantitative methods were used to collect data. Four mathematics teachers were interviewed through a semi-structured interview. The quantitative data was collected and summarized by Vitensenterforeningen. The findings from these questionnairesare compared to the findings from the interviews.Some of the findings which emerged in this study were that mostly mathematics teachers attended super:bit. The study also shows that many of the teachers had no previous experience in programming. Schools that participate in super:bitwill receivea package of programming equipment, but it differs in terms of what computer equipment each school holds. My findings indicate that this can be a decisive factor for teaching in programming. The four teachers which was interviewed, all agree that super:bit has inspired them and increased their interest for programming in elementary school.
Master's thesis in Mathematics education (MA502)