PhD theses in Humanities and Education
Recent Submissions
Det dialogiske rommet : Sosialsemiotiske tekststudier av mellompersonlig mening på kristne trossamfunns nettsider
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 491, Doctoral thesis, 2024)This thesis examines Christian churches’ official web representations, using social semiotics and systemic functional linguistics (SFL) as theoretical frameworks. Communication about faith, practice, and community is, and ... -
Speech as a writing tool : An exploratory study of speech-to-text technology in lower secondary education
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 450, Doctoral thesis, 2024)The aim of this project is to explore the potential of STT as a writing tool for lower secondary education pupils with writing difficulties. The project comprises three studies. Study 1 is a scoping review of empirical ... -
Det norske gjendiktingsbegrepet, 1872‒2012 : En oversettelsessosiologisk undersøkelse
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 418, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Problemstillinga for denne avhandlinga er: Hvordan har gjendiktingsbegrepet og dets posisjon utvikla seg i Norge? Jeg formulerer tre forskningsspørsmål, som leder meg i undersøkelsen av dette: 1) Hvordan brukes ordet ... -
Narrating Environmental Citizenship. Norwegian picturebooks and comics in the Anthropocene
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 387, Doctoral thesis, 2023)In my project, I examine how aspects of “environmental citizenship” are discussed in Norwegian picturebooks and comics. The term “environmental citizenship” encompasses several concepts that originate from political sciences ... -
Norsk språk i seinmiddelalderen – endringer, periodisering og årsaker til endringene
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 406, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This dissertation starts with a small text sample of eight charters. These charters were issued in Bergen and date from between 1298 and 1495. The material was analysed with particular emphasis on changes in orthography, ... -
«Jeg skaper meg en ny klode». Fiktive verdener og Ellen Einans lyrikk
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 401, Doctoral thesis, 2023)This thesis examines the fictional potential of lyric poetry and demonstrates a fiction-based analysis on writings of the Norwegian poet Ellen Einan. In addition to the theoretical discussion of fictional worlds of lyric ... -
Vondt, valdsamt, vedvarande. Teoretiske perspektiv på traume og traumelitteratur, og litterære analysar av Herbjørg Wassmos Huset med den blinde glassveranda, Per Pettersons I kjølvannet og Brit Bildøens Sju dagar i august
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 397, Doctoral thesis, 2023)Painful, violent, insidious. Theoretical perspectives on trauma and trauma literature, and literary analyses of Herbjørg Wassmo’s House with the blind glass windows, Per Petterson’s In the wake and Brit Bildøen’s Seven ... -
På sporet av aktørar som skriv : Ein studie av to digitale samskrivingskasus i ein ungdomsskoleklasse
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 389, Doctoral thesis, 2022)On the Trail of Actors Who Write is a study of two digital cases of collaborative writing in a Norwegian lower secondary school class. The study maps, analyzes and discusses the writing process in two collaborative writing ... -
Corporeal Modernisms: The Living Body in Early Twentieth-Century Anglo-American Narrative
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;, Doctoral thesis, 2022) -
Innovating examinations in teacher education
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 337, Doctoral thesis, 2021)Lærerutdanning er en av de mest betydningsfulle utdanningene i verden. Det legges mye ressurser i utvikling og innovasjon for at denne skal fungere best mulig, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Likevel er det noen ... -
Kampen om gaderne : Gadepolitik og rumlige krav i 1930'ernes politiske kultur
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 320, Doctoral thesis, 2021)During the interwar period, political youth took to the streets with posters, leaflets, and loudspeaker vans, marches, symbols, and uniformed squads of activists. These modern forms of propaganda were utilised by political ... -
Medvirkning i møter om individuell opplæringsplan fra elever med lærevansker : En kvalitativ intervjustudie
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 304, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This research examines the following question: What can students’, parents’ and form teachers’ experiences of communication in individual subject curriculum (ISC) meetings tell us about student opportunities for participating ... -
Arbeidskrav i lærerutdanninger. En studie av muntlige arbeidskrav som didaktisk vurderingspraksis
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 301, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Arbeidskrav er ulike oppgaver eller prøver underveis i et emne som studenter må bestå for å kunne gå opp til eksamen. Slike krav har fått mer oppmerksomhet i undervisningen ved høyere utdanning, særlig etter Kvalitetsreformen ... -
Shakespeare and Metatheatrical Representation
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 303, Doctoral thesis, 2020)Forholdet mellom scenisk representasjon og metateater hos Shakespeare har tradisjonelt blitt oppfattet antagonistisk: publikum ses enten som fanget inn av scenens skinn av virkelighet, eller som fremmedgjort og skeptisk ... -
Meaningful lines : Social semiotic investigations of the graphical line, used as a connector in digital data visualizations
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 302, Doctoral thesis, 2020)The dissertation investigates the graphical line, used as a connector in digital data visualizations (DVs), from a social semiotic perspective. It explores the semiotic functions of connecting lines in digital DVs, building ... -
The expletive passive and beyond : A comparative analysis of passives in English and Norwegian
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 296, Doctoral thesis, 2020)This thesis argues that passives in English and Norwegian can be explained by a casetheoretic approach inspired by Chomsky (1981, 1995, 2000 and 2001). I argue that the passive morpheme originates in little v and blocks ... -
Grenseoverskridende sosialisme : Undersøkelser av den norske arbeiderbevegelsens transnasjonale historie 1920-55
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 255, Doctoral thesis, 2019)The Norwegian Labour Movement went through an astonishing ideological transformation between the First World War and the Cold War. In regard to the dominant labour party in Norway throughout this period, the Norwegian ... -
Teacher cognition and the status of grammar teaching in Norwegian secondary schools. A study of grammar teaching practices in the school subjects Norwegian, English and Spanish
(Doctoral Dissertations at the University of Agder; no. 254, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Mellom balanse og ubalanse. En studie av utviklingen av de nyutdannedes perspektiver på lærerarbeid i overgangen fra utdanning til arbeid
(Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Agder; nr. 249, Doctoral thesis, 2019) -
Jordens ubevisste hukommelse. Tor Ulven som arkeolog
(Doktoravhandlinger ved Universitetet i Agder; nr. 248, Doctoral thesis, 2019)