Samtidskunst i skolen : En studie som inviterer elever til en konseptuell workshopspraksis
Master thesis
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Both from the elementary school education and the professional life, I have gained insight and an experience basis for commenting on the subject of arts and crafts. There are often techniques and crafts that are in focus. I miss howthe subject to a greater extentcanchallengestudent`s in critical thinking, playful exploration and reflection, especially with regards to visual art. This master thesis focuses on theseperspectives for teaching in the subject arts and crafts, and discuss contemporary art's place intheschool. The thesis can be viewed as a post in the discourse about the new curriculumforarts and crafts, scheduledtobe completed by 2020.Contemporary art is a great concept that holds many artistic directions, so in this context the focus must be on the conceptual part of contemporary art, but more specifically readymade art, also called Objet trouvé. The thesis examines how readymade art can be implemented in the teaching of art and crafts. It will also investigate how children and young people relate to contemporary art ingeneral. In what way can contemporary art inspire students to be curious, to explore, to express themselves? These are some of the questions askedin the thesis.These questions areapproached by doing survey ́sconducted with groupsof children aged ten to eleven in the5th grade. The project was designed asa workshop that addressed three activities. Pupils were challenged to explore their own understanding of art, by first considering, then by using their own words, andfinally working on objects to design their expressions. The research project addresses theories, articles and curricula that dealswith the field of contemporary art in the school, and then analyze and reflect on what the meaning.Essential concepts in this master's thesis:Contemporary Art, Readymade,Conceptual Art,Children’s Play, Subjects, Objects, Artifacts, Auto-Ethnography, Action research,Communityof Practice,Poetic Strategies,Flow,CompetenceGoals, Curricula,
Masteroppgave kunstfag KF500 - Universitetet i Agder 2019