A study on Norwegian companies in China: Challenges & successful strategies
This paper examines what governmental and cultural challenges Norwegian companies face when entering and doing business in China. In addition, this paper also discusses what strategies to implement to overcome these challenges. With China becoming a bigger player in the global marketplace, this is an important matter not only for companies across the world but also for Norwegian companies.
Through a qualitative research method with semi-structured interviews, the research is conducted on four Norwegian companies who does business in China. The findings shows that there are many variables affecting the choice of entry mode to China and there exist governmental challenges affiliated with corruption, institutional voids. Moreover, this paper concludes that there exist cultural challenges when doing business in China such as communication and building networks, however the cultural challenges should not be seen as a bigger problem than what it is and believed to have less impact on business in the future.
The research also found that building relationships and focusing on localization and training proves to be a competitive advantage and works as an effective tool to overcome several challenges.
Key words and terms: Globalization, Challenges, Strategy, Institutional voids, Guanxi, Networks, Entry mode, Firm size, Corruption, Bureaucracy, China- Norway relations, Semi-structured interviews
Master thesis Business Administration BE501 - University of Agder 2016