Tilpasset opplæring i matematikk på ungdomsskolen : to læreres begrunnelser for sine tilpasninger
The theme of this thesis is adapted education with an emphasis on adapting the teaching of
mathematics. I have also decided to direct my attention toward students with low attainers.
My research question is: "What arguments gives two mathematics teachers in their
adaptations in teaching students with low attainers in middle school?" The study discusses
how teachers adapt lessons to students with low attainers in the subject. The empirical
basically are two mathematics teachers who teach in the same middle school.
In this study I have used qualitative methods. The data is collected through a semi-structured
interview. The aim has been to examine their ways to adapt the teaching for students with low
attainers in mathematics, trough their arguments.
It was in 1975 that the concept of adapted education came into law, but all the time there are
discussions about how the school will facilitate that all students should be able to learn on the
basis of their abilities and aptitudes in the best possible way.
The results show that the teachers in my study have a narrow understanding of adapted
education where they have strong focus on individuals and that they will meet students at
their level. Both teachers have access to an extra teacher / resource in two mathematic lessons
in a week. By taking advantage of this resource, they organize their lessons in two different
ways; by organizational differentiation and by being two teachers in the same mathematic
lesson. If it is implemented tiering teaching, it is often students with low attainers that are
taken out in a small group. The teaching in these two contexts occurs in different ways to
adapt to students. The teachers also varies teaching methods and how students work with
learning material to adapt their teaching.
When we are talking about students with low attainers, I found that the teachers often use the
term "low level students". It was described by one teacher that "low level students" are those
who have an insufficient understanding in mathematics, while students with low attains
describes as those who have the potential to achieve higher achievement than what they
actually do. When I refer to students with low attainers, this concerns students who end up on
the lowest possible achievement for any reason.
A good learning environment and good relations with students and students in between is
something that the teachers think is very important. It is also evident that a teacher should act
patient, helpful and understanding when working with students with low attainers.
The teachers in my study are also concerned to let these students experience success in
mathematics. Then the teacher has to know the students well and be able to lie down in their
level, so that they feel they are getting mastery experience, which can affect their motivation
in the subject. But most importantly, as one teacher said, it is mainly to give students a decent
experience of mathematics.
Challenges as the teachers pointed out in connection with adapting education for students
with low attainers of the subject, is primarily large groups of students and too little time with
the students, which also can mean that there are not enough mathematic lessons considering
that this is such a comprehensive subject.
Masteroppgave matematikkdidaktikk – Universitetet i Agder 2016