Development, modeling and simulation of test equipment for subsea choke valves
As a step toward being more e_ective and to improve test procedures, GE Oil & Gas wants to develop a workshoptool to automate the testing of Choke Valves. The Choke Valve Workshop Tool (CVWT) main functionis to operate the Hydraulic Stepping Actuator automatically by providing controlled pressure pulses. Electricaland hydraulic equipment will have an interface allowing the test equipment to be connected and used on awide range of Choke Valves. Test results will be transferred and stored automatically based on current need. Adetailed description of the planned CVWT including a complete control system and a Human Machine Interface(HMI) has been developed.A large variety of modeling and simulation tools are on the market today. This report will concentrate onmodel development and Software-In-Loop (SIL) testing performed with SimulationX. The control system andthe HMI have both been thoroughly tested in a SIL setup. Chosen SIL setup uses the Virtual Machine (VM)package in SimulationX which communicates directly with S7-PLCSIM.The dynamic model used in the SIL setup is based on a simpli_ed version of the full scale model. The dynamicmodel replicates the behavior when the Choke Valve is connected to the workshop tool. Some of theparameters used in the model are based on tests results performed in the workshop in Dusavika, Stavanger.SIL has in this project proven its importance being a less expensive, safer and more time e_cient methodto verify program code compared to experimental testing and prototyping. The SIL setup is found to be a lesscomplex setup compared to the HIL method currently being lectured at UIA. However, the SIL has restrictionsregarding communication protocols that can be used, and also that timers in the PLC are lagging behind comparedto real time.Keywords: Dynamic modeling, Simulation, Software-In-Loop, SimulationX, PLCSIM, WinCC, TIA-Portal
Masteroppgave i mekatronikk MAS 500 Universitetet i Agder 2014