Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences: Nye registreringer
Viser treff 1-20 av 2018
The paradox of remote work: When employee wishes and wellbeing collide
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has witnessed a surge in remote work, ushering in a ‘new normal’ whose nuances and ramifications are yet to be fully understood. In a recent study, leveraging data from a large ... -
Validity of Force-Velocity Profiling Assessed With a Pneumatic Leg Press Device
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine the concurrent validity of force–velocity (FV) variables assessed across 5 Keiser leg press devices. Methods: A linear encoder and 2 independent force plates (MuscleLab devices) ... -
DNA damage and repair in colorectal cancer patients : Long-term host response and dietary intervention after curative treatment
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 493, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer worldwide, with Norway ranking among the highest in incidence rate. Treatment strategies include surgical removal of the tumour, and frequently chemotherapy and ... -
A Mapping Review of Physical Activity Recordings Derived From Smartphone Accelerometers
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: Smartphones with embedded sensors, such as accelerometers, are promising tools for assessing physical activity (PA), provided they can produce valid and reliable indices. The authors aimed to summarize studies ... -
Effects of 6-Month Supplementation with Multi-Component Herbal Supplement PhytodynamicTM on Mitochondrial Function, Telomere Length, and Chronic Inflammation in Adults Aged 65 Years and Older: A Pilot Trial
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Herbal supplements are often used by elderly populations in aim to manage age-related traits; yet, most have shown limited benefits, keeping a quest for safe and effective longevity-promoting mixtures open. The main aim ... -
Har spill en plass i behandling av schizofreni og andre psykoselidelser? En scoping review om terapeutiske effekter av spill-bruk hos personer med langvarige psykoselidelser.
(Master thesis, 2024)Få lidelser er mer myteomspunnet enn psykoselidelser. Psykoselidelser har en innvirkning på de fleste områder i et menneskes liv. Det finnes ingen kur få gode behandlingsmuligheten. For de som opplever langvarige psykoselidelser ... -
Organisational Conditions for Boundary Spanning in Public Health
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this study, we examine how organisational conditions impact boundary spanning in public health to handle complex tasks. This policy field is characterised by extensive pressure for collaborative governance and ... -
Do changes in income and social networks infuence self-rated oral health trajectories among civil servants in Brazil? Evidence from the longitudinal Pró-Saúde study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Social factors are important determinants of health. However, evidence from longitudinal studies on the possible role of changes in socioeconomic circumstances on adult’s oral health is scarce. This study aimed to test ... -
Family caregivers’ involvement in caring for frail older family members using welfare technology: a qualitative study of home care in transition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)Demographic, economic and organisational changes challenge home care services. Increased use of welfare technology and involvement of family members as co-producers of care are political initiatives to meet these challenges. ... -
A nationwide school fruit and vegetable policy and childhood and adolescent overweight: A quasi-natural experimental study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022)School free fruit and vegetable (FFV) policies are used to promote healthy dietary habits and tackle obesity; however, our understanding of their effects on weight outcomes is limited. We assess the effect of a nationwide ... -
Child Maltreatment: To Report or Not to Report? It’s More Complex than That
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Child maltreatment (CM) is a widespread problem, contributing to health and societal difficulties often throughout the lifespan. Healthcare professionals (HCPs) who see potential warning signs for CM are responsible for ... -
Playing position, height, weight, and preferred throwing arm do not differentiate between more and less effective 7- metre throwers at the highest level of international handball
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The aim of this study was to evaluate what characterised the best 7 m throwers in elite handball. The 7 m throwing records of 95 males and 104 females who collectively took 12,033 7 m throws at the 43 major championships ... -
Business Oriented Work Inclusion The Salutogenic approach to work inclusion through the LEIDA model: Illustrated by a case study
(Master thesis, 2024)Background: Unemployment is a public health challenge and contributes to widening the social health gap. As unemployment rates drop and the need for a more qualified workforce increases businesses face a challenge to find ... -
Nye retningslinjer for syndromet relativ energimangel i idrett (REDs)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)Lav energitilgjengelighet gir dårligere prestasjoner og flere skader. I mange idretter har utøvere et betydelig energibehov for å opprettholde effekten av nødvendig treningsmengde og ønskede konkurranseprestasjoner. Innen ... -
Å lage gode naboer av domfelte: Rehabilitering som narrativ og problem
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2022) -
Iskaldt samhold
(Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Stadig flere studenter rapporterer om psykiske helseutfordringer. Det er mye fokus på psykisk uhelse i dagens samfunn, og det er behov for tiltak som fremmer psykisk helse hos studenter. Isbading har vist seg å ... -
Et tilbakeblikk på veien til profesjonell fotball
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Hensikt: Studien utforsket det opplevde utviklingsløpet til fotballspillere som har deltatt på nasjonale tiltak og som i dag spiller profesjonell fotball som senior, med et spesielt blikk på trening og forhold ... -
It Isn't the Child Wearing Us Out, It's the System': Navigating Support Systems When Struggling as Foster Parents in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Foster parents encounter significant and diverse obstacles in receiving support when caring for children affected by relational trauma and mental illness. These issues extend to their interactions with welfare systems, ... -
Is Left-Handedness Associated With Greater Success From the 7-Meter Line? An Analysis of 7-Meter Records Across Various Handball Competitions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)While left-handers have been overrepresented among 7-meter shooters in handball, previous investigators have not found success from the 7-meter line to be related to handedness. Drawing on previous handedness research in ... -
Barneansvarlig sykepleier på intensivavdelingen – muligheter og ulike forventninger
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Bakgrunn: På norske intensivavdelinger behandles rundt 20 000 kritisk syke pasienter hvert år. Blant de pårørende vil det være mange barn og unge i en sårbar situasjon. Spesialisthelsetjenesteloven om barn og ungdom som ...