Blar i Master's theses in Music Performance på tittel
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Celium: The aesthetic of electronic dance music in a band setting.
(Master thesis, 2023) -
Challenges in performing Giacomo Puccini's Madame Butterfly
(Master thesis, 2011)Challenges in performing Puccini`s Madame Butterfly” is a master thesis that will examine this opera through the vocal and performance aspects. This master thesis is written by Jelena Markovic, student of Agder University ... -
Changes in the online music equipment market under the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway: A case study of the online music equipment company Evenstad Musikk
(Master thesis, 2023)In this master thesis project, I seek to discover the possible changes in the online music equipment market under the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway with a case study and an in-depth interview with Evenstad Musikk. In the ... -
Classical Music - Close to extinction
(Master thesis, 2022)Classical music has been in decline for decades, or so it seems. It attracts fewer listeners than before, their finance structures are more precarious and the audiences are getting older. It is only natural to lose faith ... -
Collaboration, a Creative Catalyst
(Master thesis, 2023)An insight into developing the "Warehouse" project through Producer Mediation, Band Influence, and Facilitation for Musical Practice. -
Compositional Mixing: An exploration into sonic ownership in contemporary music production.
(Master thesis, 2022)This thesis examines a presumption wherein mixing within contemporary practices exists as a process with compositional implications, a term coined as compositional mixing. This presupposition is examined through two lines ... -
Creating the "Romeo" EP: The process of creating the EP and adapting experiences from live shows into my productions
(Master thesis, 2022)This dissertation is an endeavor in artistic research, and I will showcase three songs from my upcoming EP. I will attempt to illuminate the process of producing these songs as clearly as possible. In addition I will ... -
(Master thesis, 2018)This master thesis research proposes the examination of a folk music category, the lullabies, focusing specifically on Norwegian and Romanian lullabies, and how this process influenced the author in the process of ... -
Crossover-prosjekter - Utfordringer i samarbeid mellom rytmiske musikere og symfoniorkestre
(Master thesis, 2015) -
Deep Sleep: Et kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid om samspillet mellom musikk og visualitet
(Master thesis, 2019) -
Demo-Poetikk : Om potensialitet i sirkulær musikalsk idéformasjon
(Master thesis, 2020) -
Den gode timekeeper - En studie om ulike måter å øve på ferdigheter knyttet til time og rollen som timekeeper
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag I denne oppgaven utforskes ulike metoder for å øve på ferdigheter relatert til time og timekeeper-rollen. Dette blir gjort gjennom aksjonsforskning. Ved å trekke frem forskjellige perspektiver på timebegrepet ... -
Den moderne blåserrekke: En studie om den moderne blåserrekkens funksjon og arbeidsmåte
(Master thesis, 2021) -
Den syngende rappen
(Master thesis, 2023)I denne masteroppgaven er det gjort forskning på hvordan rappen har blitt så syngende. -
Derek Trucks 101
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne studiens tema er Derek Trucks´ slide-gitar-spilling. Studien har tatt for seg fire av Derek Trucks sine gitarsoloer mellom 2011 og 2015, live og i studio. Formålet med studien har vært å belyse karakteristiske trekk ... -
«Det er bare veldig synlig hele tida at det er flere menn enn kvinner» En studie av studenters opplevelse av kjønnsbalanse og fokus på kjønn og kjønnsmangfold ved Institutt for rytmisk musikk.
(Master thesis, 2023)Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å undersøke kjønnsmangfold i høyere utøvende musikkutdanning. Problemstillingen er hvordan studentene ved Institutt for rytmisk musikk opplever kjønnsbalansen på studiet og fokuset på kjønn ... -
Discobass : En studie av el-basspillet i disco
(Master thesis, 2016) -
Distant Music : An autoethnographic study of global songwriting in the digital age
(Master thesis, 2020)This thesis aims to explore the path to music creation and shed a light on how we may maneuver songwriting and music production in the digital age. As a songwriter in 2020, my work varies from being in the same physical ... -
Dobbel basstromme : En analyse av fenomenets utvikling og praksis
(Master thesis, 2021)