Master's theses in Music Management: Nye registreringer
Viser treff 41-46 av 46
The European Hard Rock and Heavy Metal live music market A closer look at the development of emerging bands through live performing
(Master thesis, 2015)The present study is set out to provide a better understanding of the current situation regarding career development in terms of live performing for emerging Hard Rock / Heavy Metal (HR/HM) bands in Europe, and to find ... -
Kompetanse i arrangørorganisasjoner
(Master thesis, 2013)Kompetanse er et buzz-ord i norsk musikkbransje, men hvordan forholder arrangørorganisasjoner seg til begrepet? Oppgavens problemstilling er «Hvilken funksjon og posisjon har kompetanse hos en konsertarrangør?». Det ... -
Copyright in the online era : monetization and copyright utilization in the digital music market
(Master thesis, 2013)The background for this thesis was to look at the unresolved issues regarding monetization and licensing of music in the online area. After studying the music industry for several years I was of the impression that there ... -
Beslutningsprosesser i en plateinspilling : innspilling av Moëta´s plate "Lead me to anywhere" i The Lodge Studio
(Master thesis, 2013)For å ta én god beslutning én gang, trenger man ikke være avhengig av mye annet enn tilfeldigheter, hell eller påvirkning fra en ytre omstendighet. For å ta gode beslutninger hver gang, over tid, er man avhengig av helt ... -
The future of the independent Egyptian music in the digital era
(Master thesis, 2013)This thesis is investigating the impact of the digital era with its technological advanced components and revolutionized information platforms on shaping the future of the independent Egyptian music. The author investigated ...