Blar i Master's theses in Music Management på utgivelsesdato
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Copyright in the online era : monetization and copyright utilization in the digital music market
(Master thesis, 2013)The background for this thesis was to look at the unresolved issues regarding monetization and licensing of music in the online area. After studying the music industry for several years I was of the impression that there ... -
Beslutningsprosesser i en plateinspilling : innspilling av Moëta´s plate "Lead me to anywhere" i The Lodge Studio
(Master thesis, 2013)For å ta én god beslutning én gang, trenger man ikke være avhengig av mye annet enn tilfeldigheter, hell eller påvirkning fra en ytre omstendighet. For å ta gode beslutninger hver gang, over tid, er man avhengig av helt ... -
Kompetanse i arrangørorganisasjoner
(Master thesis, 2013)Kompetanse er et buzz-ord i norsk musikkbransje, men hvordan forholder arrangørorganisasjoner seg til begrepet? Oppgavens problemstilling er «Hvilken funksjon og posisjon har kompetanse hos en konsertarrangør?». Det ... -
The future of the independent Egyptian music in the digital era
(Master thesis, 2013)This thesis is investigating the impact of the digital era with its technological advanced components and revolutionized information platforms on shaping the future of the independent Egyptian music. The author investigated ... -
The European Hard Rock and Heavy Metal live music market A closer look at the development of emerging bands through live performing
(Master thesis, 2015)The present study is set out to provide a better understanding of the current situation regarding career development in terms of live performing for emerging Hard Rock / Heavy Metal (HR/HM) bands in Europe, and to find ... -
Comparative study of adult music education in Norway and Bosnia and Herzegovina – challenges and developmental opportunities in a developing country
(Master thesis, 2016)The researcher has discovered that adult non-formal education is of great importance for individuals as well as society at large. Up until now, in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) which is a developing countryi, no research ... -
A levy for the age of the cloud? : Can a broadband levy be the answer to dealing with the increasing amount of unlicensed cultural content online?
(Master thesis, 2016)The background for the thesis is to look into if a broadband levy may be the answer to the increasing challenges of monetizing unlicensed cultural content on the internet, and if such a levy can work in an age where ... -
Streaming Legitimacy : Consumer Perceptions of Streaming Distribution Models
(Master thesis, 2016)This project, Streaming Legitimacy, is a master thesis conducted by two Music Management students from the University of Agder. The background for this thesis is rooted in the current debates surrounding fair distribution ... -
Controlling attention and visibility in the record industries
(Master thesis, 2016)The background for the thesis in hand is the changed environment of the record industries due to digitalization. Various democratizing and decentralizing expectations on digitalization exist in the academics. Research have ... -
Hvordan påvirker et ønske om låtandeler produsentens kreative valg i studio?
(Master thesis, 2016)Musikkteknologi har endevendt musikkbransjen, fra produksjonsbånd til sluttbruker. Der man tidligere henvendte seg for å kjøpe musikk fra en forhandler, skriver man nå inn kredittkortinformasjon for å få tilgang til hele ... -
Gender and Labour in the Music Industry : An exploration into why the music industry has a gender problem and what can be done to change it
(Master thesis, 2016)While numbers are missing, it has become clear over the past decade that the music industry is a place of far-reaching gender imbalance in the form of gender segregation. This paper aims to look at why this is the case, ... -
The relevance of traditional Collective Management Organisations in the digital age : Current challenges and future possibilities
(Master thesis, 2017)The relevance of the traditional collective management organizations has come to question in the digital age. Since the beginning of the internet the CMOs have faced an enormous change in their operations and critics ... -
The Underrepresentation of Female Personalities in EDM : A Closer Look into the “Boys Only”-Genre
(Master thesis, 2017)EDM, or Electronic Dance Music for short, has become a big and lucrative genre. The once nerdy and uncool phenomenon has become quite the profitable business. Superstars along the lines of Calvin Harris, David Guetta, ... -
Crowdfunding Music : A look at crowdfunding as an alternative source of funding for independent creators within the recorded music industry
(Master thesis, 2017)With larger crowdfunding campaigns getting the media hype for crowdfunding going, crowdfunding is often touted as the future of creative project funding. With examples like Amanda Palmer always being presented, is ... -
En analyse av norsk, kristen musikkindustri : Basert på økonomirealistisk grunnlag, kulturelle faktorer og Bibelens etiske og moralske grunnlag, kan vi snakke om en bærekraftig økonomi innenfor den norske, kristne musikkindustrien anno 2017?
(Master thesis, 2017)Den kristne musikkindustrien i Norge er en mindre del av en større musikkindustri. Når en skal analysere denne industrien, må en trekke inn flere faktorer som kan underbygge industriens funksjon, da den – som andre ... -
Unveiling the black box : Allocate the Missing Revenues in Music Streaming
(Master thesis, 2017)Listening to music has never been easier. Now, everything is just a fingertip away. From mainstream hits to niche productions, all we need to do is log on to a music streaming service like Spotify. Even better, we do not ... -
Classics in the Cloud : A discussion of the problems of classical music and streaming
(Master thesis, 2017)Streaming services have become the main method of music consumption the last couple of years, and the classical audience have moved to the cloud as well. This paper aims to uncover some of the issues that classical ... -
Adolescents’ relationship to music in the new digitized era : An exploration of how the new digitized technology has affected adolescents’ willingness to pay for music and their use of music to regulate moods and develop their identity
(Master thesis, 2017)This thesis is an exploration of how the technological changes have affected adolescents’ use of music. The two extended hypotheses I will explore are: “Adolescents today are not willing to pay for music” and “Adolescents ...