An LMI approach to quantized H∞ control of uncertain linear systems with network-induced delays
Original version
Karimi, H. R., Luo, N., & Zapateiro, M. (2010). An LMI approach to quantized H∞ control of uncertain linear systems with network-induced delays2010 Conference on Control and Fault Tolerant Systems Nice, France, October 6-8, 2010 (pp. 771-776): IEEE conference proceedings.Abstract
his paper deals with a convex optimization approach to the problem of robust network-based Hinf control for linear systems connected over a common digital communication network with norm-bounded parameter uncertainties. Firstly, we investigate the effect of both the output quantization levels and the network conditions under static quantizers. Secondly, by introducing a descriptor technique, using Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional and a suitable change of variables, new required sufficient conditions are established in terms of delay-range-dependent linear matrix inequalities for the existence of the desired network-based quantized controllers with simultaneous consideration of network induced delays and measurement quantization. The explicit expression of the controllers is derived to satisfy both asymptotic stability and a prescribed level of disturbance attenuation for all admissible norm bounded uncertainties. One example is utilized to illustrate the design procedure proposed in this paper.
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