Model[l]ing and simulation of stabilizer for remote controlled helicopter
Ever since the first helicopter was invented it has never stopped to contribute to the everyday life
around the world. As time has passed technological innovation have made it possible for every
ordinary man to own a small helicopter and maneuver it by the help of a remote controller. Where
the pilot in a full scale helicopter would make use of a onboard computer to control the movement
a person with a RC helicopter would need to rely on his finger skills and vision to make sure the
helicopter maintain the desired path via remote control from the ground. This has often shown to
bee quite difficult for first time users and may in many cases lead to expensive crashes throughout
a long period of training. It would save both money and time if it in some way would be possible
to reduce the time spent on training by connecting something to the helicopter and thereby control
and stabilize the helicopter for the user.
The idea is to investigate the possibility of constructing a stabilizer which reduces this complexity.
A desired solution is to let the pilot control one movement in one direction or rotation around
one axis while a microcontroller attached to the helicopters body controls the remaining degrees of
An important question is how this should be done and what kind of model this would be based on.
It would be useful if it was possible to implement this control system on a onboard microcontroller
in assosciation with sensors and measuring devices.
This thesis is ment to give a novice reader a good overview over the complexity of controlling a
helicopter. In chapter ?? the concept helicopter movement is explained in detail and the differntial
equations of motion is presented. In chapter ?? the differnt linearized models is explained and
suitable contol methods is presented.. A purposed simulation model is constructed. At last some
simulaton results is presented in ?? alnong with a chapter about instrumentation and how one
could implement this on a physical helicopter.
Masteroppgave i mekatronikk MAS500 2012 – Universitetet i Agder, Grimstad