Kurs til foreldre med barn i fosterhjem - en selvstyring av foreldre?
Original version
Angel, B. Ø. (2011). Kurs til foreldre med barn i fosterhjem - en selvstyring av foreldre? Norges Barnevern, 88(3), 128-144.Abstract
The article presents results from a qualitative study of parents benefits in participation in course given to parents whose children are placed in foster care. The participants describe changes that had occurred in their life situations, and aspects of the course evaluated as useful. Essential findings indicate that the participants have increased self-confidence and regard their children in a new way. Foucault’s concepts of Power are applied in the analysis.
Author's version of an article published in the journal: Norges Barnevern. Also available from the publisher at: http://www.idunn.no/ts/tnb/2011/03/art06