Scientific Publications in Sociology and Social Work
Recent Submissions
Fleksibilitet og friksjon: Forskningssamarbeid, kjønn og styring i den globale kunnskapsøkonomien
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2024)I overordnede styringstekster som preger vår arbeidshverdag, blir akademikere fremstilt som hjerner, og idealakademikeren blir fremstilt som hjernekraft som glir friksjonsfritt rundt i det Susan Wright kaller en internasjonal ... -
Ethics as a minor form of politics and theory in activist research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)To do minor activist research is to make use of prompts and displacements to mark and produce new subjectivities, spatialities, and temporalities. To do minor activist research is to unsettle received discourses, narratives, ... -
Social Innovations in an Emergency Setting: Opportunities and Challenges for Youth Volunteers in Curbing the Spread of COVID-19 in Huye District, Rwanda
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Purpose:Following COVID-19 at the close of 2019, countries have been in an emergency to contain the improvised danger to their citizens; Rwanda was no exception. The Government of Rwanda (GoR) turned to investing in different ... -
Den statlige styringen av barnehagen - konsekvenser for politikk, profesjon og pedagogikk.
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 503, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Denne avhandlingen utvikler mer kunnskap om norsk barnehagepolitikk på grunnlag av en analyse av den statlige styringen av barnehagens pedagogiske innhold. Avhandlingen er nærmere bestemt en studie av forskriftsprosessen ... -
Emotional Labour in the Neoliberal University: The Standpoint of Female Academics in Norway with Experience of Sick Leave.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, we show how female academics who have been on sick leave hide feelings of exhaustion, fear, and a lack of control and change these feelings into expressions of control and engagement when interacting with ... -
Coping with Covid-19. Dugnad: A case of the moral premise of the Norwegian welfare state
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Purpose This paper provides an analysis of the notion of dugnad (collective effort) in the context of the first weeks of the outbreak of COVID-19 in Norway. By appealing to people's sense of collective effort (dugnadsånd) ... -
Gården som alternativ læringsarena for elever på ungdomstrinnet
(Doctoral dissertations at University of Agder;no. 497, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Den overordnede problemstillingen som jeg svarer på i mitt avhandlingsarbeid er: Hvordan erfarer elever på 9. og 10. trinn, skoleansatte og gårdbrukere, gård– skole-tilbud? Enkelte elever som har utfordringer med ... -
Menneskerettigheter som begynneropplæring i samfunnsfag – forenklet eller for enkelt?
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2024)Menneskerettighetene har en sentral rolle i skolefaget samfunnsfag, og kapitlet diskuterer det faglige innholdet i tre læreverks behandling av menneskerettigheter på første og andre trinn. Analysen tar utgangspunkt i seks ... -
Forenkling og kompleksitet: Bærekraft og samfunnsfagene i norsk skole
(Journal article, 2022)Samfunnsfagene i norsk skole har fått nye læreplaner gjennom Kunnskapsløftet 2020 (LK20). I dette læreplanverket har bærekraftig utvikling blitt sentralt, både som et tverrfaglig tema og som et kjerneelement ... -
Mothering Practices in Cambodia: Making Sense of Physical Disciplining
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The physical disciplining of children is widespread globally. To work towards ending physical disciplining, we need to understand this practice’s local and contextual justifications. In this article, we explore Cambodian ... -
Barnets beste: Barnevernets formål i spenningen mellom individuelle og relasjonelle hensyn.
(Chapter, 2020)Barnets beste er et sentralt prinsipp i barnevernets verdigrunnlag, et prinsipp som ligger tett opptil barnevernets mandat om å verne barn. Målgruppe er barn i utsatte posisjoner. Vi skal se at barnets beste er retningsgivende ... -
Kjønnede hverdagsliv og likestillingsutfordringer på Agder. Regionale særtrekk og variasjoner i landsdelen
(Chapter, 2020)Helt siden Statistisk sentralbyrå (heretter SSB) lanserte sin likestillingsindeks i 1999, har Agder kommet dårlig ut på statistikk som har som formål å måle grad av kjønnslikestilling på ulike områder, sammenlignet med ... -
Hva, hvordan, hvorfor? En studie av norske lærere og elevers erfaringer med lekser i samfunnsfag
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The issue of homework is highly debated in both Norwegian and international context. The effect of homework is disputed among researchers. Some argue that students achieve increased learning outcomes from spending time on ... -
The clash of cultures: Individualization and standardization in education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this essay, we argue that pupils in compulsory school education seem to be exposed to conflicting pressures from an (internal) tendency towards individualisation and an (external) tendency towards standardisation. Drawing ... -
Parallax Theology: Reframing Compensation Theodicy
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The reality of suffering and the existence of natural and moral evils appear to present significant obstacles to the doctrine of God’s omnipotence, omniscience, and omnibenevolence. Theodicy is an attempt to resolve the ... -
“Hot Case-workers and Squint-eyed Whores” - Sexual Harassment of Norwegian Social- and Health Care Students in Practical Training
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Sexual harassment is a societal challenge. Youth, women, students, and health care professionals are some of the groups most at risk for experiencing sexual harassment. In this study, we examine how higher education ... -
Knowledge Transfer
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2023)In modern “knowledge societies” (Stehr 1994), knowledge is increasingly depicted as essential for economic growth and social and political inclusion. Consequentially, training and research facilities such as schools and ... -
From Subordinates to Superheroes? Comics in Christian Magazines for Children and Youth in Norway
(Chapter, 2023)How do religious organizations use comics to communicate religion to children and youth? This chapter examines comics in two different Norwegian religious magazines for children: Blåveisen (Hepatica) and Barnas (The ... -
Bruddlinjer som utgangspunkt for analysearbeid i institusjonell- etnografisk utforsking
(Chapter, 2023)In this chapter, we use material from two research projects to show how institutional ethnography’s sensitivity toward disjunctures has put us as researchers on the trail of everyday life problematics. In institutional ... -
The nonhuman condition: Radical democracy through new materialist lenses
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)