Blar i Master's theses in Business Administration (-2013) på tittel
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A study of active ownership through board representation by norwegian private equity actors in the norwegian population of portfolio company investments
(Master thesis, 2013)This thesis focuses on the indirect drivers of value creation in private equity, through a study of corporate governance mechanisms employed by the major Norwegian PE actors in a population of Norwegian portfolio company ... -
A study of the relationship between U.S. stock market returns and the political environment
(Master thesis, 2013)This master’s thesis examines the relationship between the political environment and the stock market returns. The main focus is whether there are differences in the stock market returns under different political parties, ... -
Advertising expenditure as a determinant of a brand's share of the market (A case with low and high involvement products)
(Master thesis, 2007)This study attempted to determine the impact of brand’s advertising expenditure on its share of the market and its variation, if any, across different product categories (i.e., lowinvolvement vs. high- involvement ... -
An analysis of factors influencing store format choice among customers in Pakistan
(Master thesis, 2012)Food and grocery retailing market in Pakistan has gone to dynamic changes. New foreign food and grocery chains’ coming in creating competition among all the large and small players active in the market. However, the larger ... -
An analysis of foreign direct investments: inflows and determinants : a study of the nordic and baltic countries
(Master thesis, 2012)It is more important to analyze foreign direct investments (FDI) than ever before, due to its growth effects and importance to the country‘s economy. During the last century it could be noticed huge changes in world’s ... -
An empirical investigation of factors influencing management accounting outsourcing practics among SMEs in Pakistan and the effect of outsourcing on firm´s performance
(Master thesis, 2013)The purpose of this study is to identify factors that affect the Pakistani Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) decisions to outsource management accounting practices in terms of transaction cost economics (TCA), the ... -
An empirical study of hedging in the nordic power market
(Master thesis, 2011)Due to the deregulation of electricity, the market for the trading of power has increased considerably over the last twenty years. In this period, prices for electricity have proven to be very volatile, so in an attempt ... -
"Analyse av aksjonæravkastning ved annonsering av oppkjøp i Norge"
(Master thesis, 2010)Denne utredningen omhandler temaet oppkjøp av bedrifter. Fokus for analyse er å identifisere endringer i aksjekurser som følge av at et fremtidig planlagt oppkjøp blir annonsert i markedet. Det er av spesiell interesse ... -
Analyse av fremdrift med tilhørende avvik ved Prosjekt Lyngdal Ungdomsskole : en casestudie
(Master thesis, 2013)Kostnadsoverskridelser og forsinkelser er noe vi f ar stadig inntrykk av at intre er i store byggeprosjekter. Denne masteroppgaven undersø kte et pågående prosjekt og registrerte og analyserte alle avvik i forhold til ... -
Analyse av kostnader ved børsintroduksjoner på Oslo Børs,1998-2008
(Master thesis, 2009)I denne oppgave har jeg analysert kostnadene ved børsnotering på Oslo Børs i perioden 1998-2008. Utvalget mitt består av 62 selskaper innfor et vidt spekter av sektorer. Jeg finner at den indirekte kostnaden, målt ved ... -
Analyse av pris og forventet avkastning til DNB Nor Warrant Markedsnøytral 2008/2010
(Master thesis, 2009)I denne oppgaven har vi analysert DnB NOR Warrant Markedsnøytral 2008/2010. Dette er en type warrant/opsjon som tilbys utenfor børssystemet, og som først har blitt populær de siste årene. På mange måter kan dette ses på ... -
Analyse av tilbudsstrategien til Asplan Viak
(Master thesis, 2011)Siden jeg har tatt fordypning i prosjektledelse tok jeg kontakt med dr. ing. Øystein Meland og fortalte at jeg ønsket å skrive om noe prosjektrelatert. Han introduserte meg for Asplan Viak og tilbudsstrategi ved ... -
Analyse av tildelingsmodeller brukt ved offentlige anskaffelser : på hvilken måte tilfredsstiller dagens tildelingsmodellerlovverket, og i hvor stor grad verdsetter modellene kompetanse
(Master thesis, 2011)Med offentlige innkjøp menes de anskaffelser av varer, tjenester, bygg og anlegg som foretas av statlige, fylkeskommunale og kommunale instanser. Ettersom Norge er med i EØS må disse virksomhetene følge et omfattende ... -
Analyse av valutarisikoen ved Scandinavian Shipping Kristiansand
(Master thesis, 2010)Oppgavens mål er å gi en bedre forståelse av valutarisikoen som Scandinavian Shipping Kristiansand står overfor og å finne det sikringsinstrumentet og den strategien som er best tilpasset selskapet. Selskapets aktivitet ... -
An analysis and valuation of the Eltek Group
(Master thesis, 2010)The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with a theoretical value of the Eltek Group, based on a strategic – and a financial analysis. The outline of the paper is mainly built upon the valuation framework ... -
An analysis of basis risk in the nordic electricity marketand how it can be hedged
(Master thesis, 2009)In the Nordic electricity market, electricity producers face the risk of substantial price variations across time and space. The prices across different geographical areas can differ due to transmission congestion. To ... -
Analysis of good corporate governance at Indonesian telecom industry after privatization: case study at PT Telekom an PT Indosat
(Master thesis, 2006)The objective of this research is to examine whether there are differences of implementation of good corporate governance of company which privatized using different methods. This is relevant with the change of privatization ... -
An analysis of temperamental fit and flow in Nordea region south
(Master thesis, 2008)This thesis discusses how people’s temperamental preferences and organisational demands influence each other, and explores how a fit between preferences and demands (later referred to as temperamental fit) can lead to ... -
Analysis of the impact of transaction costs on the performance of Bull ETFs
(Master thesis, 2010)Since 2008 both Handelsbanken and DnbNOR have offered the Bull funds on the Oslo stock exchange. These are funds whose shares trade like stocks on the stock exchange, and the fund provide investors with twice the daily ... -
Analysis-forecast of expected return and risk on an equity-linked note : Indeksobligasjon Nordea norske aksjer 11 2009/2013
(Master thesis, 2010)The main topic for the article is analyzing return and risk of an equity-linked note. The analysis will concentrate on a specific product whose return is compounded by zero-coupon bond and return on a risky portfolio ...